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Surprise part 2

 _________________________________________ No one's POV "It's good. Now we will celebrate Rakshabandhan together."  Aman s...


No one's POV

"It's good. Now we will celebrate Rakshabandhan together."  Aman said.

"Absolutely. Nita called me yesterday and told me that Yusuf has come here. So I thought that if Yusuf is here then we should also come here. Likewise, a good family holiday will also take place."  Geeta said. 

"Perfect. Anyway, I was caught living in the same house. At least, now some new faces and new views will be seen."  Kritika drank water.

"Where is Yusuf?"  Geeta asked looking around.

"Here I am, bhabhi."  Yusuf was standing at the door.  He had vegetable polythenes

in his hand.

"Where did you go so early in the morning?"  Neeta said taking polythene from her hand.

"I went to the morning walk. On the way, I saw some vegetable sellers selling fresh vegetables. So I bought."

Yusuf touched Geeta's feet and sat on the couch. 

"Is bringing vegetables still your favorite job?"  Geeta asked with a laugh.

"Let him buy vegetables. Where in the US would you find fresh vegetables?"  Aman said with a laugh.

"This is it. Whatever amount you earn in foreign countries, but the your own country is different."  Yusuf agreed with Aman.

"Didn't you complete your morning walk?"  Aman asked.

"No. I came back soon after buying vegetables."  Yusuf said.

"Well then. Come on, let us go on the morning walk together."  Geeta said standing up.

"That's a good idea."  Yusuf also stood up.

"Nita, we'll come back and have tea."  Geeta said to Nita in a loud voice as Nita was in the kitchen.


"How are the children?" Geeta asks Yusuf walking.

"Kids are fine."  Yusuf replied.

"How is Suman? Is there any improvement in his health?"  Geeta asked.

Yusuf's move slowed down.

"Suman is fine. But not completely fine."  Yusuf said.

"What are  doctors saying?"

"The doctor says she should not remember anything about past."  Yusuf told.

"If that's the case, you shouldn't have taken Karthik with you to the US."  Geeta said in a loud voice.

"I know. Seeing Karthik, she initially freaked out a lot but slowly she accepted Karthik."  Yusuf's face was relaxed.

"Does Karthik know everything?"

On this question of Gita, Yusuf looked at her and then turned his eyes.

Yusuf took a long breath and Geeta was waiting for his answer.

"I know that Karthik shouldn't have known anything. I should have thought a little before Karthik was taken to the US. But when the situation came up I had no other way than to handle it in my own way."  Despite not wanting, Karthik came to know everything. "

Geeta got very shocked and upset after hearing this.

"Did Suman try to do any harm to Karthik?"  Geeta asked in concern.

"Initially she didn't like Karthik at all. But gradually she  loved Karthik too. She was crying a lot when Karthik and I were coming to India."  Yusuf said with a laugh.


Both continued for a while in peace.

"Karishma asked about Shimla at the dinner table last evening."  Yusuf told Geeta on the way.

Geeta got shocked after hearing this.

"But how did she come to know about Shimla?"

"Vishwajit has told her."

"Did she ask you a lot of questions?"  Geeta asked eagerly.

"She wanted to ask a lot of questions but Karthik silenced her."

Geeta was comforted to hear this.

"can I ask you a question?"  Yusuf said to Geeta.

"Since when did you need permission?"

Yusuf smiled lightly and looked down.

"Can Vishwajit hate Karishma after knowing the truth?"  Yusuf asked.

"My son can never hate his wife."  Geeta said with confidence.

"Are you sure about this?"  Yusuf asked again.

"What do you want to know? Do you think our children might know the truth someday?"  Geeta's heart beat intensified.

"None of us had ever expected what happened in our past. We cannot say anything about the future. We do not know what Vishwajeet will do after knowing all the truth. That is why we should try hard to press down the past. "

Yusuf was absolutely right.  But his talk increased Geeta's concern.

"May I ask you a question?"  Geeta asked Yusuf.

"You don't need permission to ask me anything."  Yusuf smiled and said.

"Do you really love Karishma?"

Yusuf then took a long breath again.

"It is not my choice to love Karishma. It just happened."  Yusuf replied without looking at Geeta.

"Can Suman never come to India?"  Geeta asked expectantly.

"Suman may come to India but what happens after that will neither be accepted by you nor me. On seeing Karishma, her anger will reach its peak.I would never wish that such a day would come. . So it is better that it be what it is. "

After this, there was no talk of either.  And both returned towards home.


Please comment your theories of their past on Wattpad.

I am waiting there❤️❣️

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.