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💜 heart to heart-3

I was driving.  Forgiveness sets us free. Forgiveness is the only way to forget. You must forgive in order to move on in life. Her words wer...

I was driving. 

Forgiveness sets us free.

Forgiveness is the only way to forget.

You must forgive in order to move on in life.

Her words were echoing in my head.

You can just pretend to move on but eventually you will keep on hurting yourself and the people around you.

She is right. I have always thought I have moved on but i never did otherwise i would have never taken Tanya's name during that moment.

Either this fear will remain in you or you're mine.

And this fear will go only when i forget everything. And for that i must forgive.

Is that even possible?

She has committed so many sins so far that she doesn't deserve any forgiveness.

'But she must be very happy in her life. It's only you who is in mess. It is you who needs to move on. So behave like a needy and if you want to live with this pain all your life and want karishma to burn in this fire. Then the choice is yours. But remember Karishma has done everything for you and you can't even forgive someone for her and Tanya did all those wrong things yet you are giving her so much importance and letting her thoughts ruin your relationship.' 
        My subconscious mind scolded me.

I was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't realize that i was driving and i must pay attention to it. Suddenly a old woman came in front of my car. I had to drive the steering in a harsh way to avoid an accident. Car stopped very vigorously. My heart was pounding. It was beating very fast. I saw on the road through rear camera. That lady had already gone. I started the car again.

        I reached outside Shivani's house. I was sitting in the car for few minutes thinking that what am i going to ask her for is even right? Will she understand me?

 She has always understood you. 

I got out of the car. I took heavy steps towards her door. Something made me stop before ringing her door bell.

How can you do this? Have you forgotten that how much she suffered because of you? And she has always supported you. Instead of being thankful towards her, you are going to do this just for your personal world. How could you?
My one mind yelled at me. And it was right to some extent.

You are not being selfish this time. Infact this is the first time you are doing something selflessly. If you didn't care about her emotions, you wouldn't be standing here. You could have forgiven Tanya in just a simple way and move on with Karishma without any acknowledgement of Shivani. 
Other side of my mind explained me.

          I decided to go with other side of my mind. I rang the door bell and there i saw a happy face again as soon as the door opened. 

"What a pleasant surprise! You are here and that too without any notice?" She said with wide eyes.

I nodded my head.

"Won't you ask me to come in?" I asked putting my hands in my pockets.

"Huh! As if you need my permission" she said smirking and turned her back to me. She walked in and i followed her.

"See, I don't have your favourite drink in the fridge. So, you have to adjust with what I am offering you" she said while going in the kitchen.

"Everything is okay with me." I said and sat on the couch placed in her living room.
           After few minutes, she came back with lemonade. oh god!

"Seriously, you have only lemonade for me?" I asked making a grumpy face. I know that she did it intentionally. She knows i don't like lemonade.

"Ohoooo.....i am not your wife whom you can put your tantrums. Okay?" She said making a hell funny face and faking her voice in a childish manner while keeping her both hands on her waist.

         After drinking lemonade. I was waiting for her to say something. But i realized that she is busy in her phone. 

"Won't you ask my reason of being here?" I asked calmly. "C'mon, you don't need any reason to be here with me. You know, you can come to me anytime." She said with a light smile. And again my i am filled with guilt.

           "Well! This time I have reason to be here." I said in a serious tone. She looked at me shifting her phone in front of her face. "Should I call priest to give a good timing? Haa? If you have reason then speak up." She said and again got busy in her phone.

       I am annoyed now. I took her phone from her hands and kept it away. She understood that there is something serious. I sat beside her. I was looking down.

"What happened? Is everything okay between you two?" She said and i looked at her. I understood that she was talking about karishma. I nodded in negative. "No, this time it's something else." I said and stood up. I went near the window and started looking outside of it because i really didn't have courage speaking to her while looking at her.

She came from back and stood beside me.

"I am tired Shivani. I am really very tired. I want to let every bitter experience go. I want to move on and start a new life with karishma." I said keeping my eyes still outside. "That's great vishu" she said in excitement. " But why are you so low." She asked keeping her palms on my shoulder. "Because my past is dragging me towards her. I can't move on unless I forget everything." I said. I was still looking outside. "Then forget. Who is stopping you?" She asked with concern. I turned around to her. I tried to look at her but couldn't. I looked down. "You" i said. Her eyes widened and face flashed confusion. 

        "Me, how?" She asked in confusion. I took her hands in mine and made her sit on the couch. I sat on the floor near her. I looked up into her eyes which were already staring at me.
      "Shivani, what i have lost due to her can be recovered. I can get it back. Yeah! It will take lots of effort and time. It will hurt karishma several times but still. My loss can be recover." I said looking down. I looked up. "But what have you lost due to Tanya can't come back to you" i said looking into her eyes. Her eyes were filled with tears. And with my words, her one tear rolled down. She closed her eyes for few seconds. She wiped her tears and stood up showing me her back. I also stood up.

"What do you mean?" She asked in a stern voice. "She is your culprit too. I have karishma to fade my pain but you...." I stopped speaking. "Keep on speaking. I am listening" she said without turning back. I walked and stood in front of her. I held her shoulders. "if i want to forget her and for that i must forgive her. But i can't forgive her without your consent" her tears started flowing faster with my words. This i wiped them off. She looked down and cried for few seconds and then looked up.

     "What if I say no?" She said looking at me. 

You have always got her back. Don't let this girl down for your personal needs. Her pain is  much greater than yours. She has suffered more than you because of Tanya yet she neither complainted nor she accused you for anything. Just remember before you speak. 
     My subconscious mind warned me.

"I would never forgive her" she closed her eyes letting all the fears go which were filled in her eyes. I hugged her and this time she cried harder. "I am not forcing to permit me. I am just requesting you. I could never do this without your permission. Because you are an inseparable part of my life." I said. With that she moved away from me.

      "If you promise me that you will stay happy and give your life a fair chance for a fresh start. Then i permit you" she said a light smile. Sadness was still there in her smile. Unintentionally, i brought her pain back in her. I didn't want to but it just happened. I hugged her very tight this time. 

    "Thank you so much, thank you" i parted from her. "Now, go.... your new life is waiting for you" she said slapping my arms away. I opened my mouth to say something but she showed me her palm stopping me. "No more talks here, now I want to talk to you when you are my old vishu again. Okay?" She said with wide smile on her face and light tears in her eyes. I nodded and left from there.

        I started the car. I had never thought in my life that i would again face Tanya. I had never thought that i ll drive on her way again. I don't know how i am going to react when i ll see her. How will she react but i have to keep reminding myself that i am doing this only for karishma. And I can do anything for her.

Karishma's POV

I was sitting on my bed after my mother lecturing me about fixing the problems with my husband. She is adamant about me going back to jeet's house. I am surprised that he didn't try to talk to me after that night .

Has he given up on me?

No, he can't.

What if he has left me?

What if i have made a mistake leaving that home?

Oh goooooood! Help me

These thoughts were pushing my anxiety on peak.

Suddenly, my phone rang flashing some unknown number. I wiped my tears off and attended the call.


" Hello, karishma?" I heard a feminine voice from other side but i didn't recognize it.

"Yes, who is this?" I asked.

"Hey, it's Shivani. Remember?" She said. How can I forget her? She is so bubbly and happy face to remember. I am surprised that how come a stone like jeet has become her besr friend.

"Oh yes, i exactly remember" 

"Karishma, can we meet? There's something important to talk" she said. What could be so important that she wants to meet in person.

Should I say yes?

She might has something important to talk. Otherwise,why would she call me like this.

"Sure" i answered.

"Great, i ll send you time and place. Bye" she hung up.

No one's pov

Jeet is  standing in front of Tanya's house and karishma is sitting in a cafe waiting for Shivani. 
They both don't know that what has the next moment kept for them in it's lap.

Hey guys, how do you like this chapter.

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Stay tuned because next chapter will be revealing all the secrets.



Unknown said...

Nice update. You are making me so eager to know about what is gonna happen next.

Manju said...

Waiting for more updates

Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.