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I never saw Vishu this much sweet and caring to anyone or anything except Tanya. I was very happy for them. He was completely changed. He ha...

I never saw Vishu this much sweet and caring to anyone or anything except Tanya. I was very happy for them. He was completely changed. He had changed himself for her. Whatever doctor prescribed her, he was taking care of that very keenly. He regularly gets her to checkup. Unfortunately, he had started ignoring his studies. 
       It has one month since they both got married. He just doesn't let her do any work. He makes sure that she rest well and not take any kind of stress. They have already shifted to a paying room near college to balance everything. 

                               Today, Vishu has come to his hostel room for the last time to grab his remaining stuff to his new room. I thought of meeting him. I went to his room. The door was already opened. I got inside and what i saw left me awestruck. He was looking at a picture. Some negative kind of picture. I couldn't figure out what it exactly was. But when I went closer, i realized that it was Tanya's sonography picture. He was looking at his child. I realised that how much he loves his child. His eyes were shining. I sat beside him but he didn't realize. I kept my palm on his shoulder to make him aware of my presence.

        "When did you come?" He asked in surprise turning his eyes to me. "When you were busy in admiring your unborn self" i said with a cheeky smile. He smiled and looked down at the photo again. He stood up and kept that photo in a file very carefully. He came back. "So, are you happy?" I asked him. "I am. Actually, i was very confused in the beginning but now I am very sure that I have taken right decision." He said with confidence. "And what made you realise that?" I asked expecting him to mention the child. "Ofcourse,my baby" he said with excitement. I gave him a very wide smile. 

                        "You know? I had never thought of being a father. But when this feeling sinked in. I realised that this is the most beautiful feeling ever a man can feel. I just can't wait to see him" he said. His voice was filled with joy. His words were enough to tell that how much he is excited to welcome this child. "And how is Tanya?"  I asked him. He didn't say anything. Suddenly, the smile on his vanished. He looked away from me. He thought something. "She is fine. It's just like. She is not as excited as me but i am working on it" he said again looking down. "Isn't she happy?" I asked. He looked up. He took a long breathe. "She is but she doesn't realise this." He said with no expressions. "I can understand her. She didn't expect this and on top of that this marriage and our families still don't know about her pregnancy. She is just unable to absorb these changes fastly. It will take time. " He continued. "But you will see. Once this baby will come in this world. When she will see his face and will hold him in her arms. She will forget everything and love him as much as I do." He said with lots of hope. I wanted to believe him too but Tanya's current behaviour wasn't letting me get convinced completely. "I shall pray for all three of you." I said hugging him. 

         After that I helped him wrapping up his things. He left from there and I too came back to my room. We all got busy in our lives. I could understand that he was married now and the way he was with her during her pregnancy was making him even more busy. Life was going very well and everything seemed to be perfect.

                      I was studying in my room. Suddenly, my phone rang and i saw screen flashing Vishu's name. He had called me after a week. I picked up the call. "Hello" i said. But no response from other side. I thought it might be some network problem. "Hello vishu?" I said again. "Hello, madam" a manly voice came from other side. But i was sure that it wasn't vishu. I was confused. "This is Vishu's phone. Where is he?" I asked sternly. "Madam, he is drunk in our bar. He is unconscious. We took his phone and called the last dialled number. Can you come here to get him?" I couldn't understand because he doesn't drink. "Okay okay, i am coming there. Which bar?" He gave me the address and i rushed there.

                      What i saw after reaching there was very shocking. He was drunk, very much. His eyes as red as blood. When i reached there he wasn't unconscious anymore. I ran towards him and sat beside him. "Vishu, vishu, it's me. Shivani" i said patting his left cheek hard to make him notice me. "Shivani" he whispered. Before he could say anything he fainted again. I took him to the hospital with the help of few men. 

What has happened to him?

He was so happy when I last met him.

What made him drink?

My heart was beating very fast.

God! Please. This is has to be average situation. Please.

Doctor informed me that he was awakened.

I went into the room to see him . He was standing near window looking outside. I was mad at him for drinking but at the same time I wanted to that what is wrong. I stood apart from him. 

           "So, you are up?" I asked in a bit anger. He turned around and looked at me. His face was pale. His eyes were dull. I never saw him like this. I hated this look on him. He didn't speak anything. He just kept looking at me. "Will you speak up?" I asked in a demanding tone. But in reply a tear shed from his eyes. 

I was shocked.

I never saw him crying.

I never saw him vulnerable. He was looking weak. Very weak.

He started weeping. Very hard. He sat down on the floor. He was crying. Literally, like a child cries. I couldn't help and ran towards him. Tears were flowing from my eyes as well. He wasn't stopping at all. 

                       "Vishu, please. Stop crying." I said. I myself was crying. But he tears didn't stop. "Vishu, please tell me what happened?" I wanted to know the reason behind his condition. He continued crying. "Shi.... Shivani, i" He gulped. "I lost" He said crying more hard. I couldn't comprehend his words. I was confused. I held his face in my palms. "Vishu, tell me exactly what happened?" I asked. He wept hard. He wipe his tears. I made him sit on the bed. I gave him a glass of water. He drank it. He was calm now. Not perfectly but calm enough to talk.

          "She fell from stairs and had miscarriage" he said and started weeping. His words left me stunned. His baby is no more. How? Why? He was so happy. He was so changed. He was excited. And now, i can see him at his weakest point. He was so hard but he loved him the way that he is unable to control his tears. That baby softened him. I hugged him and he cried more.

                 "I left everything for him. I married her just because of him. I ignored everything- my family, my career, my studies, my ambitions. Yet this has happened." I sobbed. We broke the hug. " I never loved anyone the way I loved him. I had already planned so many things for him. His room, toys, school....." He stopped in between and started crying. I felt so helpless. I couldn't do anything for him. Why? 

Why fate has to be this harsh with him?

"Thank god, my family didn't know about the baby. Otherwise, situation would be worse." He said composing himself. He was controlling his tears now.

I never saw him like this and would never want to see him like this anymore. I told about this to Shiva. Slowly, this pain sinked in him completely. I didn't make any effort to meet Tanya. Because I couldn't face her. Afterall, she has lost her child. I didn't want to remind her that pain.

                   After few days, Vishu came back to the hostel room and started living with Shiva. He was concentrated on his studies more than ever. This loss made him more tough. He was broken but he didn't want to realise this. This is why he poured himself in his work. Meanwhile, Tanya got back to her father's house and started college soon. I wanted to ask them about their relationship. I mean they married because of this child. Now what? But then I thought that they needed their space. 

            After two years, all three of them graduated. They officially became doctor. Vishu started his M.S in neurosurgery. Shiva started his job in the same hospital which was owned by Tanya's father. Tanya took a break before resuming her career. Vishu and Tanya shifted to his home. Shiva started living in a rented apartment and i was still in hostel.

                        I was having my dinner. My phone ranged and the call was from Shiva's hospital. 

"Hello" i said.

"Shivani?" A female voice from other side.


" Please come to the hospital as soon as possible. Your brother met an accident."

Please please please comment your views❤️🤗

I eagerly wait for them😊 


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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.