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I reached outside Tanya's house. I couldn't believe that I am here, yet again. I still remember the first the day i came here. I cam...

I reached outside Tanya's house. I couldn't believe that I am here, yet again. I still remember the first the day i came here. I came here with my father to talk to her father for our marriage. My heart was beating fast as i was taking steps towards her door. I saw the garden where our engagement took place. I couldn't help but recalling all those things. 

Vishu, don't let these memories overpower you. You have faced much bitter. My subconscious mind reminded me. 

            I rang the door bell and waited for someone to open the door. I started looking around to ease my nervousness. My palms were sweating. Then, a man nearly in his mid 50's opened the door. I didn't see him earlier. He might be their new servant. "Yes, who do you want to meet? " He asked adjusting his spectacles. "Ta... Tanya. Is she at home? " I asked trying myself to stay calm and composed. "Who are you? " He asked looking me from head to toe. What should i say now? That I am her ex husband. Hell no! "Tell her that vishwajeet has come. I am her old college friend." I said making him understand. "Okay okay, come in please" He said leading me the way to hall. I looked around and noticed so many changes since last time i arrived here. " You sit, i ll send bitiya in five minutes. " He said. I nodded and sat down. After 2 minutes, the same man brought water. I looked at me. "Bitiya must be coming" He assured me giving me a light smile and left. 
I have been waiting here for last 10 minutes in this restaurant. Trust me, these 10 minutes are the longest 10 minutes of my life. Not because i know that she is going to talk something important but because jeet hasn't talked to me since our last meeting. And Shivani is my only hope as she herself initiated this meeting. I was seeing my watch again and again. I had already drank 2 glasses of water and this wait was making me more thirsty.

             Then I saw her in peacock blue kurta and white trouser. Her hair were open and having red colour bag in her hand. She smiled at me and waved her hand. I smiled back. She came to me. I stood up and she gave me warm hug. We sat down to our respective chairs on the table.

"So, how are you?" She asked me.
"I am fine" i said with a weak smile.
She laughed lowly but louder enough for me to hear. 
"What?" I asked in confusion.
" Why are you lying, karishma? I know you are not okay" she said and drank the water. She kept the glass on the table. I took a look on glass then on her. She looked at me too. "Karishma, i exactly don't know what is wrong between you two but I am very sure that it must be something serious and big" She said in a concerned tone. "Has he told you anything? " I asked. I was wishing her to say no because if he did then i would never be able to bear this embarrassment. " No, but he did something which he would have never done unless and until his everything is on stake." She said. I narrowed my eyes and couldn't understand exactly what she meant by 'he did something'. "What do you mean? " I asked. 

         She gave me a smile and took my palms in her. "Karishma, what I am going to tell you today is something no one knows except three of us" she said and looked down. "Three?" I asked narrowing my brows. She looked at me. I was so eager to know that what is it.

Why is Tanya so important to him?

What does Shivani know that I don't?

Answers to my all question  are in front of me today.
Shiva was my older brother. I had only him at the name of family. I never had friends since Shiva had strictly told me to study well. Luckily, i got the same medical college as his. Shiva was three older to me. I didn't have any friends. I didn't know anyone. So, his friends became my friends. Vishu was on top of that list. Vishu was a very different person to others and different to the people he understood his. It didn't take lot of time for us to become friends. 
            Vishu, Tanya, Shiva and I were in the room. We all were waiting for anyone to say something as situation was a bit difficult.

"Hmm hmm,so what have you guys decided?" I asked breaking the silence. All of them looked at me. Shiva glared at me signaling me stay quite. "What is there to decide, i told this to vishu because he deserved to know this. But i have taken my decision" Tanya said with determination. "What?" Shiva asked. "I am having an abortion and that's it" she stated. "No, you can't do this. It's a sin. Whatever happened, it is not it's fault" i said with concern. She stood up. "Yes, you are right. But the person who is responsible for this is quite now" she said looking at vishu. "And you are too young to understand this. You don't have any idea, what would happen if this society comes to know about it." She continued. She took a pause. I looked at vishu to say something but he was lost. His face was telling clearly that he had a fight within himself.

                     I walked towards vishu and sat beside him. "Vishu, don't take a decision which will make you regret forever. A child is a blessing." I said but interrupted by my brother. "But, they didn't plan it. You should taken have precaution. You guys don't have any idea what mess you have got into" shiva said with anger. I stood up. "Yes, it's their fault. It shouldn't have happened but now it has happened. So, what to do? Kill it? Haa?" I asked them and turned to Shiva. "You better stop screaming, it's not good for the fetus" i said. "It's a baby" we all heard Vishu saying that. We all turned our head towards him. 

       Shiva and Tanya looked surprised. I smiled. His words were enough to tell that he actually adore his unborn child. He is just concerned for the plans he made for himself. He was just 21. Too young for being a father. But he was not scared of it. He just need a bit encouragement and support to cope with current situation. 
      "Yes vishu, it's a baby. It's your baby." I said keeping my palms on his shoulder. "It's your responsibility to take care of it. It's your first baby" i continued. I know that what I was doing is emotional blackmailing. But, this child needs him. I have always been very emotional when it comes to children. This is why I decided to become a gynaecologist. 

        "What do you want?" Tanya snapped at us. "You want me to get embarrass in front of whole world" she almost screamed. "She is right. We need to think practically right now. We just can't ignore this fact that you guys aren't ready to be parents yet." Shiva said supporting Tanya. "But...." I tried to say but Shiva showed me his palm to stay shut up. I felt defeated.

                     "So, it's done." Tanya said and was about to leave. "Wait!" Vishu yelled from back. He looked at me and then everyone. He took steps towards Tanya. 

        "I know you are in stress but you shouldn't. You are carrying a life inside you. And i don't want any bad thing near my child." He said explaining her. I smiled. "Why do you mean?" She asked folding her arms. He took a deep breath. We all were eagerly waiting for his answer. "We will get married" her eyes widened. "As soon as possible" he added. She was shocked. "This was not the part of the deal" she said angrily. "Neither this baby but just like it this marriage has become mandatory now." He said making it a fact. 
                  "But, are you sure? I mean you are not even graduate. I mean, your graduation, practice, your whole career. Have you thought about it?" Shiva asked. "Nothing can be more important than a child for their parents." I said hugging Tanya. She weakly reciprocates. "Uuhhgg, can't you stay away from this?" Shiva said in frustration. "She is right. Don't scold her" Vishu defended me.

I looked at Tanya. She was  confused. It's justified because whatever was happening was something she never thought. But i was happy.

               Soon, everything got arranged and they got married. They didn't tell about this to anyone. We had decided that after delivery, we shall tell everybody that it was a premature birth. Everything was looking sorted and solved.
I couldn't believe my ears.

Jeet was becoming a father. He didn't tell about this to anyone.

So, this is the reason he got married so early.

But, if everything was good and he was ready to accept the child then what went wrong?

Where is the child now?

My heart was beating very fast. 

I didn't know how to feel about this. 

I wanted to cry but at the same time I wanted my answers.

Hey guys 🤗
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Unknown said...

Eagerly waiting pls update soon yaar

Unknown said...

Pls update soon
Nice chap

Nabani Nandi said...

Obviously Tanya killed the child

RatnaPavani.P said...

Oh.god...kid for jeet..may be some stupid act was done by Tanya...Naturally Jeet got angry on her..if in case there is a kid..I think Karishma accepted the kid..not only for Jeet..her nature is like no problem..nice twist...

vno mk said...

Wat d hell y he s tat much nervous

Unknown said...

Nice job 👍 I'm eager to know the whole truth .... please update more

Unknown said...

It was a good update . I really appreciate your efforts .

Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.