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Unfold part 2

 I could not how that album suddenly disappeared.      I went to Didi's room but she was not there.  I also talked to the servants. &qu...

 I could not how that album suddenly disappeared.

     I went to Didi's room but she was not there.  I also talked to the servants.

"Kamali, did you see any album here?"

"No bhabhi, I have not seen any album here."  She replied.

"Think carefully once. Try to remember. You may have kept it around while cleaning."  I insisted.

"What's wrong? What's lost?"  Then mummy came there.

"Mummy, I got an album from your old room a few days ago. That's what, I was sitting on the couch watching. I left the album and now can't find it anywhere."  I said sitting near my mother.

"Kamli, you go and do your work."  Mummy sent Kamali back from there.

"Karishma, why are you getting so upset?  It was an old album.  What if you can't find it? "Mummy said comfortably.

"But Mummy, there were old pictures of you in it."  I tell him.

"Those were old pictures that are no longer of any use. And the things that don't work just waste our time by being around us. That's why forget that album."  Mummy said picking up the newspaper.

"But ....." I started to say that didi also came.

"Karishma, when Mommy is telling you don't think too much about that album then why don't you agree. What happened if that album is not being found? Has anything changed?"  Didi said.

I did not like to argue.

In this way, both of them are right.  If that album is not being found, then there is nothing to worry about it.  If that album needs to be found, it will be found.  I shouldn't worry too much.

"Are you ready to go home?"  Mummy asked smiling.

"Yes Mummy. I did all the preparations."  I said happily.

"You look very excited."  Didi commented.

"Why won't she be excited? After so long she is going to her maternal home."  Mother said.

"You rightly said. Otherwise Vishwajit would lock his wife in his eyes if he wanted to."  Didi then teased me.

My face turned red with shame.  I was trying hard to hide my smile but I could not bear it.

"Now let it be. How much you tease the poor girl."  Mummy took my side.

All three of us were talking.  Kamali brought three big boxes.  I tried to look but I couldn't find what was in those boxes.

"Mummy, what's this all about?"  I asked

"You will take all this with your home. These two boxes have chilli pickle."  Mummy pointed towards those two boxes.  "And there is mathri in this third box."  She said while showing the third box.

"But it is all there too. ”I replied.

"Absolutely. All this is already at your house but my mother did not make all that stuff. You probably don't know, but your father loves my mother's hand pickles and mathri."  Didi told.

I was surprised to hear this.


"Yes, every other year your mother asks me for all this stuff."  Mother said.

Hearing all this, I remembered that Jeet had told me about Shimla.

Should I ask Mommy about Shimla?

But Jeet had said that Shimla has many bad memories of her mother.

I was very eager to ask my mother about Shimla, but I was afraid that she would not mind anything about me.

I thought it better not to ask anything.

Kritika's POV

It is said that the flames burn everything and destroy it.  But today is probably the first time that my heart is relieved to see something burning.

      I thought some memories could be preserved.

I thought I could take some risk.

But no.

I should not have taken this risk.

"I told you before, keep all these things in a place where no one can reach."  Mother said.

"Nobody went to that room for years before Karisma. That room was the safest place where we could keep it all."  I gave my explanation.

"Thankfully, she only had this album on her hand. If she had seen a letter or some kind of papers, I would not know what the outcome was."  Mummy said in concern.

"I know. That's why when I saw that album on the couch, I immediately picked it up."

"We aren't caught today in some way, but this situation would not have come close if you had let me ruin it all already."  My mother got angry.

"I just wanted to save some memories of my father."  I had tears in my eyes.

"The memory of your father is in our heart. It is our compulsion that we cannot see those memories in things. If we do this then it will have a very bad effect on Karisma and Vishwajit."  My mother said looking at the flames.

"Mummy. Why are we so afraid? Let's do one thing, tell the whole truth to both of them right now. Then it will come out of our hearts forever."  I suggested 

My mother looked at me stunned.

  Have you gone mad? We still don't know how Vishwajeet would react after knowing the truth." My mother said while holding my arms.

"I know. Mummy, he is your son and my brother. We know him well. He will surely understand that whatever happened. You, my father, Karisma's parents were not at fault."  I said reassuring my mother.

My mother smiled lightly.

"You told the truth. Tell me one thing, you had no fault in what had happened, but still you are facing the punishment of all those things till date. Because of what happened, your life remained incomplete.  You are alone today because of something that happened. Even though Vishwajit does not know the reason of all these things, but I am afraid that on the day he comes to know the truth, he will definitely hold someone responsible. "  My mother started crying.

"I know that I am expecting too much from you. I know that you want to discharge this burden from your heart. I also know that I am being very selfish but forgive me. In this  Everyone's good that our past is always buried. "  My mother only said that I hugged her.


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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.