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👼 Again

My head started spinning. It became so difficult to breath. I need to talk to her, right now. No matter who comes across, even her father. N...

My head started spinning. It became so difficult to breath. I need to talk to her, right now. No matter who comes across, even her father. No one can stop me now. I grabbed the keys of my car and rush outside.
"Going to meet her?" I heard my mom saying from back when i reached till lawn. "Mom, we will talk later." I said while walking. "That's your problem. You don't do the the things need to be done at a particular time." She said while sitting on  couch in the lawn. I felt agitated but i couldn't ignore her. She might have something good to hear. I didn't want to but i had to sit there to listen her.
        "Jeet, i exactly don't know what blunder you have done this time but i can say that it's quite huge to correct." She said looking at me intensely. I was looking down which confirmed her suspicion. "She needs time jeet. Don't go there. They won't let you meet her. Even I don't want you to go there." My eyes suddenly averted towards her. "Did you talk to her?" I asked hopefully. She signed a breath out. "No, but i talked to her father. He was actually angry. Her behaviour there is telling them a lot about her pain. Even I can see that how hurt is she otherwise she would never make carrot pudding." She said taking my palm in hers. My ear got alarmed. So, this is why she has been behaving this much different since that night. Damn! I actually deserve it. "Mom, whatever the issue is, i can resolve it. I just need to meet her and talk." I said looking back at her. She took her palm out of mine. "and how ?" She asked with furing brows. "I.....i...." I realized that I actually don't have anything to say. She smirked. "What do you think? Talking again sweetly and your charm can help you this time. Jeet, they would have worked if they were to. She is not a kind of girl who behaves this way without any reason. So, give her time. Time will fix everything." I said in soft voice lastly. She stood up and left.
      "No mom, this is my fault and i am going to mend it. Time has nothing to do with it." I smirked looking at my going mom and left for karishma's home. Correction, her parent's home. Because my home is her home.

         It's late night and i know that knocking the door is the worst idea. I knew where exactly her room is. So, i took pipe line and started climbing on it. With the help of that, I reached to balcony of her room. The door was locked from inside. But the window was near the balcony. Thank god! Somehow I loosened up the screws of window. Since it was closed too. 
                As soon as i got into the room. I saw her sleeping peacefully. I still remember the day when I first sneek in her room when I was five years old. She was a new born baby then. She still sleeps like a baby. Wait! She has not worn something she use to in my home. She is wearing a very loose crop top and a comfortable shorts. Her legs are visible to me so her flat belly. The blanket was all over the bed but her. I sat beside her and stared at her.
          Her lips got apart a little. Fuck! I can't believe that i ignored these kissable lips all this time. No, no jeet. Remember what you are here for. Don't do anything stupid. I looked back at her. She is still my angel. I felt her moving the way she moved 21 years ago. She opened her slowly, the way she opened 21 years ago. But she did something opposite of my expectation. On that i expected her to cry but she smiled. Today, I expected her to smile but she was seen shocked. She looked at me for about ten seconds to believe that I was actually there. She sat quickly. "What are you doing here?" She asked with wide eyes. Instead of answering her question i looked at her clothing. "I didn't know you sleep like here. By the way, i prefer you to sleep like this at our home as well" i said smirking. She realised that her bare shoulders, stomach and long legs are exposed. She caught quilt and covered herself. I didn't like it. "Huh! Like i didn't see anything before" i said sitting on her bed comfortably. " you here and ho...o..ow did yo...uu come in?" She said stuttering. I settled myself more in her bed and lay on my arm in front of her. She brought her palm near my face and touched my cheek. " here? For real?" She asked in disbelief. I touched her that palm with my hands. "Do you see me in your dreams too?" I said looking at her intensely. She realised that I am here for real. She quickly took her hands back and averted her eyes.
                 "Why have you come here?" I asked in low voice looking down. "A husband can meet her wife anytime. He doesn't neither permission nor a reason to meet her." I said sitting again in front of her. She looked at me. I was already looking at her. Suddenly, my stomach growled. Her eyes blinked. "Are you hungry?" She asked. I made a puppy face. " Wait, i ll get you something to eat." She said and stood. And again she was standing showing all her curves. She quickly ran towards her wardrobe and took out bath robe and wore it. I started laughing. She looked at me narrowing her eyes and pouted her lips. "What?" She asked crossing her hands against her chest. "You really think that this stupid bathrob can save you if i am intended to do something. Hummm??" I asked while laughing. She got out of the room with irritation.
          I laid back on the bed thinking about what to talk to her next. I was lost in my thoughts. I realized that she came with a plate. "When did you have your last meal?" She asked while keeping the plate there and sitting on the bed. "This morning" i said and my stomach growled again. She served me and ate like a hungry man craving for food since ages. I finished the food and she brought water for me. "Aren't your parents awake?" I asked after gulping water down my throat. "No, they are already slept" she said looking down. This pisses me off. "Why do you always look down when I talk to you?" I asked. Irritation was evident in my voice.

Karishma's POV
I looked at him and then again looked down. "Because looking into your eyes scares me" i said. "How?" He asked. I breathe out heavenly. "I never dared to look in them. When i did, my heart shattered into thousands of pieces." I said still looking down in low voice. I can't forget that moment when he was in me and taking her name.  I wanted myself to stop breathing at that moment. That was so humiliating, so insulting. " You can say your heart out." He said holding my face in his palms. "What do you want to know? That how did I feel when you took her name?" I said in little loud voice this time. He smiled a bit. "No, i want to know how you felt when i touched you." He asked with a hope in his eyes. It was evident that he is expecting something good for him but my all pain has come back when i thought about events of that night. Suddenly, anger ran through me. I shook his hands away and stood up. 
                  "So, you want to know this? Huh? Then listen" i said standing more far now. He looked at me with attention. "I felt loved. I felt special. I felt beautiful. I felt completed." He smiled at my words. "But when you took her name, i felt used. I felt dirty. I felt ugly.I felt violated." His jaw tightened on my words. "You didn't love me, you actually used me thinking that it's a better way to forget her. Didn't you?" I asked in a bit high voice. "No it isn't like this" he said in a warning tone. But i didn't stop. I want him to know that what pain he caused me. Tears were flowing continuously from my eyes through my cheek. "I felt like you were lusting me. I felt like just a piece of meat to satisfy your bodily hunger." With this he couldn't hold it and got up quickly held my shoulders and pinned me to the wall near window. I tightly closed my eyes. His lips were near my ears and i could feel his angry heavy breath there. I continued crying. We stayed like this for sometime. "I am sorry. Can't you forget all those things? We can start all over again." He said whispering in my ears. His words made me sob even more. How can he ask me to forget the first time he touched me intimately. I wasn't looking at him. "It was my first kiss. And you expect me to forget that?" I whispered back. His face slowly came against mine. He looking in my eyes so intensely that i had to close them again in embarrassment. He took my face in his palms. "Open your eyes, karishma" he said in a stern yet polite voice. I opened my eyes slowly. "Now, this is your first kiss" which this he smashed his lips on mine. It took me few seconds to react. My reaction was very natural. He is the man i have loved all my life with everything i have. Isn't it wrong for me kiss him back when i know that he doesn't love me? But what can I do? His mere touch makes me feel like feather. I didn't want to think much so i kissed him back. Seeing my anticipation he entered his tongue in my mouth. His one hand was on my waist and another was holding my neck from side. I felt like m going to melt. This is wrong. You shouldn't be feeling this way. He betrayed you. Tanya is still there in him. My mind said. But my body was craving for him. Oh god!. 
              As soon as i wrapped my hands around his neck his hold became very tight on me. He was kissing me like he was chewing my lips. His mouth was so sweet. It might be because of the desert i served him few minutes ago. Gis lips were so soft. He broke the kiss and looked at me my eyes were still closed and i was breathing heavily. "Don't ever say that you are a piece of meat for me. I did everything to you but used you" he said joining our foreheads. I lone tear escaped my eyes. He kissed my forehead and took off my bathrob. Before I could say anything he attacked my lips again and started kissing me life his life depends on it. Me too anticipated but the his passion was mo where to match. He was continuously touching my back which was almost bare for him due to my crop top. I didn't realize when did he wrap my legs around his waist and started walking towards the best. He broke off the kiss and threw me on the bed. I looked at him standing and taking off his jacket and shirt. He was staring at me from head to toe. He stopped there for few seconds as if he was trying so hard to stop there. But he didn't. He came over me started kissing my fiercely. Even i wrapped my arms around him and gave him more access of my neck according to his convenience. He kissed me again on my lips. He hugged me very tight. I hugged him back. 
        "Stop me, karishma.... please stop me....." He whispered hoarsely in my ears. "Why?" I asked back. " Because I am scared" he hugged me even more tight. "That i might end up hurting you again" he said shutting his eyes. I opened my eyes and made myself distant from him. His expression were clear that he didn't want me to stay way from him. But i had to do it. I got down of the bed and picked up the bathrob. I wore it again hiding my body again and turned back to him. I saw annoyance on his face. "Why have you worn this again?" Irritation was audible in his voice. "Because I don't like being exposed to the man who is not mine" i said with sadness. 
          He quickly stoop up from the bed and hold my shoulders. "I am yours Karishma. All yours. Can't you see? I am here with you. All of me" he said showing sincerely. I smiled a bit. "Just because we are married. It doesn't mean that you are mine." I said and walked towards bed and sat there. "Why do you think this way?" He asked still standing there. I looked at him. "You yourself said that you are scared." I said and his brows frowned. "Jeet, you need to understand that either this fear will remain in you or you are mine. This two things won't stay together." I walked towards him again. Took his hands in mine and looked in his eyes. "Jeet, if you really want us  to be together in real means then make sure this fear goes away. Otherwise she will always remain between us." I said. "It's not about her" he said quickly. "It is about her. The moment you took her name. I understood that she imprinted herself on your heart. That was the same bed where you used to sleep with her as well." I said. I could see his face tightened as if he wad trying to hold something in him.

Vishwajeet's POV
"I can't share you anymore Jeet. Even not in my thoughts" she said with determination in her eyes. 



Unknown said...

Nice chapter. Waiting for next update

Kishu said...

Stay tuned 🤗😊

Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.