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It has been two days since she left home. OUR HOME. No phone calls and no messages.  She calls di only and talks to di and mom only. I still...

It has been two days since she left home. OUR HOME. No phone calls and no messages.  She calls di only and talks to di and mom only. I still didn't know where i went wrong and what did I do wrong to deserve all this. She is actually very complicated. She has shows her emotions.
         "She used to show her every emotion before that night" my subconscious mind said. But that night, everything was perfect. I am frustrated now. Enough is enough. This girl is so hard to understand. I never had to make such efforts with Tanya. She was so expressive and out spoken that..... wait! Stop stop stop vishu. Just stop it. But i can't help it. Doesn't matter whatever i do, Tanya comes in my mind. 
                        That's alright. I need to calm down. I can't react to this situation this way. First, i need to find out that what is actually wrong. For that i need to talk to her. But how? She doesn't pick my call up. "Idiot, she is your wife. Who can stop you from meeting her" my subconscious mind said. Exactly, with that i drove towards my in laws home.
                                 This is the first time I am going there after the marriage. I bought a bouquet for her. Her favourite, red roses. I hope this will make things better. I reached there and rang the bell and not to my surprise her mother opened the door. 

"What a pleasant surprise! You are here. Come, come in" she said in a very sweet manner. She led the way for me and i sat on the couch in living area. "Why didn't you inform that you are coming? I could have arranged well things for you" she said with disappointment. "No need of formalities. Ummm....i have come to meet karishma. Where is she?" I finally asked. "Ohh, she must be sleeping. You sit,i ll call her." She said before going in. I sat and waited there only. I was getting impatient.
               "Welcome to our home" i heard a manly voice from behind. I turned back and stood up. It was my father in law. I just smiled looking at him and he smiled at me too. He came near and sat with me. "How is everything at home?" He asked. "Fine" i could say this only. "If everything is fine then why is karishma here?" I looked at him with wide eyes on his question. " You are not taking care of my DAUGHTER properly." He said. His words made my blood boiled.  He was looking at me as if i am some culprit and he is going to hang me. "Well! I am taking care of my WIFE properly." I answered back determinedly. He smirked. "That's why you are here in hope of meeting her" i narrowed my brows and about to answer him but suddenly aunty came with tray in her hands.
"Aunty, can you please call karishma" i said to her normally. She was about to say something but cut off by someone. "She is sick. She is sleeping. You can't meet her" he said looking in the newspaper in his hands. I looked at him disbelief. Then i looked at aunty but she didn't look at me as if she didn't me to continue this.

         With this i couldn't take anymore and left the place.

Karishma's POV
I saw him going back in his car through window. I was feeling bad for him but now i can't pitty myself anymore.
     "There was no harm in meeting him" my mother said coming in room. It has been two since she is arguing me about leaving home like this. Though i didn't tell them what exactly happened but still they understood that something big must have happened. This is why papa spoke to him this harsh. 
            I heard her but chose to ignore. " Are you even listening?" She asked again. But i remained silent. "How will everything get sorted if you will behave like this? I understand your situation but we have to make some compromises in order to make a marriage work." She said touching my cheek with her palms. I smiled at her. " Maa, this is not about compromise. This is about my self respect. By the time i don't feel that my love is far greater than my self esteem i m not going back. Because i have crushed it so many times so far just for the sake of love" i said back which made her angry. So angry. She just left the room in anger.

Vishwajeet's POV
I was looking a file and the notes i gave to Arti. I must say she is a quick learner. Within a week she has grasped everything of her concern here. I was checking the notes. Suddenly a word caught my attention. Tanya.

         I called to reception and called Arti in my cabin.
"What the hell is this?" I asked in anger. She looked at me with confusion. I threw those notes towards her. "Why this Tanya name is here?" I asked hissing my teeth. "Sir, you only said this name while i was taking notes" she said managing herself calm. "What? That's not possible. The patient is Priya. Why would I take Tanya's name.huh?" I asked in high voice sitting on my chair. She took her time to think and took those notes and started seeing them. "Sir,you took Priya too but meanwhile you said Tanya several times. See." She showed me the note. She is right if i didn't said Tanya's name then where she would know about her from. 
           My mind got blank. Am i going mad? Am i still so obsessed with her that even my work is getting effected. I was lost in my thoughts.
"Sir, are you fine?" Arti asked with concern. "Yes, i am fine" wiping sweat from my forehead with tissue. She was about to go. I called her and she turned. "Arti, cancel all the appointments. I need to go home.okay?" She nodded in agreement.

              I drove back to home, to my room and sat on the bed where i made love to her senselessly. I was looking at the bed so intensely that I felt that night to get replayed in my mind. I closed my eyes. 
               "You are so good, Tanya" i heard myself saying that. Did  I actually say that? My eyes opened within a fraction of second. My head started spinning as if i have committed my life's biggest sin. I couldn't breathe properly. God! How  could I do that? She gave herself to me even without asking anything. She loved me and i fucked her by blackmailing at the name of love. If i am feeling this way then how would she must have felt. I sat down on the floor on my knees keeping my head bow in disappointment. How m gonna make this up now?

Hey guys, i have uploaded another story- PROCLIVITY. 
Check out that story too on my profile. You will love it.
Give yours views about his conversation with karishma's father, karishma's stand and his realisation.
Is he suffering a lot?
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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.