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Blossom part 4

 . . . . "It's quite uncomfortable."I Tried to sound confident. "You yourself have said. It has been a month and you are...





"It's quite uncomfortable."I Tried to sound confident.

"You yourself have said. It has been a month and you are still not comfortable."  He asked raising his eyebrows.

Don't throw this much tantrum. You know he will win eventually.

"No. Actually it's saree which is making me uncomfortable. I shall get changed first." I was standing out of the bed but he held my hand. He pulled me on the bed again.

" You Don't have to change." His face softened. "I like you in saree. I mean I love taking off of this saree from your body." He trailed his finger on the lower region of my belly where the saree was hanging.

It really made me suck the air very deeply.

       He grabs my saree and inner skirt from upper region and pulls me towards him making our nose touch. His one hand was still holding it and another was unhooking my bra.

I close my eyes.

And that's where I always lose this battle.

"May I come in?" Didi asked standing at the door of my room.

"Didi, you don't have to ask." I was folding my clothes. "Please come in." I made place on bed removing all the clothes from there. "Sit" I  welcomed her.

"Of course I can. But I thought since this room belongs to a married couple,I should take permission." She sat.

I kept clothes in almirah in different section. "Are you going somewhere?" Didi asked.

"Yes" I turned. "We are going. I mean jeet and I" I said looking down.

"Honeymoon, haa?" She teased me again. "Well! That's good. Finally, I shall have some peaceful nights without hearing your screams." She laughed.

"Didi, this is not fair." I pout and came to her. I sat on the bed. "You always tease me. Why don't you say anything to him?" I need an angry face and turnt it away.

"Arrey.... Because he is shameless. He won't be embarrassed doesn't matter how much I tease him. But you." She laughs. "I love this blush on your face." She put one of my hair strand behind my ear. "It makes you even more beautiful." She smiled at me. I smiled back looking down.

"By the way, are you not going to tell me that where you guys are going?" She asked.

"Shimla" I said excitedly.

Her smile vanished.

"Shimla?" Her face became pale or is it just me who is thinking this way?

"Yes, actually he told me  yesterday only that we are going Shimla.  he asked me to choose the place and I like Shimla the most. I have never been there and I always wanted to visit that place."

"You are not going Shimla." She said stiffly.

"What?" I whispered in confusion.

"I said you and Vishwajeet are not going Shimla at all." Her face was neutral.

This is the first time when I heard her calling him Vishwajeet instead of Vishu.

"But why didi?" I asked in low tone.

"Because I am saying and don't ask questions about this." She said dismissing me.

She stood up. "And don't tell about this to mummy that you both were going to go to Shimla."

I stood up too. "But didi, all the preparations has been done. Tickets are booked. Jeet must have booked hotel and every other thing. Cancelling this plan on last moment is not a good idea, I guess."

She put his hands on my shoulders. "Karishma, I know that you like Shimla and you want to spend the most beautiful moments of your life there but if I am asking you to not to go there, can't you do that? Can't you thinks that if I'm saying something then there must be reason behind it." She said trying to explain me.

I looked down in disappointment.

"Look, let this Shimla program get cancelled. I promise you that I will arrange your honeymoon to wherever you want except Shimla." She said going stiff on last word.

I didn't want to argue. I just smiled which was enough for her to know that I am agreed.

She left the room.

What is it about Shimla that it did not take her even few seconds to dismiss this plan?

I was looking outside of the window in my room. I was so excited and Happy few hours ago thinking about my Shimla trip.

Yes, I am sad because I am not going Shimla but that is not the reason of me being upset.

      The reason why I am worried is is the way didi reacted after listening Shimla. And on top of that she didn't give me any reason.

       I gasped suddenly when I felt two arms hugging me from back but within a fraction of second I understood that it's him.

"What happened? You look upset." He kissed my shoulder.

"No, I am not upset." I half lied.

"Of course you are. You didn't even notice me coming" he kept his chin on my shoulder. "Now, tell me. What is wrong?"

I turned to see him. His arms still held me."Do you know that Didi has refused to let us go to Shimla?"

"So are you upset about this?" He asked.

"No. I am just troubled to think what is the reason that she does not want us to go to Shimla. " I tried to explain my point of view.


"On the contrary, I had doubts about this but I thought that they would not have the problem." He said taking off his tie. "Did Didi forbid you tell anything about this to mummy?" He asked rolling up his sleeves.

"Yes. She has forbidden me to tell mummy anything.But she didn't tell me the reason." I told him honestly. Meanwhile, he was coming towards me.

He took my face in his palms and smiled.

"Karishma, None of us have returned to Shimla since we left and shifted here. "He said.

"Have you lived in Shimla before? ”I asked surprised.

He smiled.

"Not only me, you also used to live in Shimla. "

"What?" I am shocked now.

"Yes You were just 3 days old when your parents brought you and your brother from Shimla to Delhi. "He told me what I never knew.

I removed his hand from my face in surprise and sat on the bed.

"You mean my parents, your parents, you and Didi  earlier live in Shimla? " I asked to confirm.

He came and sat next to me.

"Yes. "

"But my parents never even mentioned Shimla. "

"Because we have a lot of bad memories with Shimla, "she said while looking down.

"Like?" I asked.

"Death of my father "he said.

My eyes grew bigger.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and sat closer to him.

"If that was the case then why did you agree to go to Shimla? "I asked

He looked at me smiling.

"Because Shimla is your favorite place and you wanted to go there."

I felt bad, now.

"Do you want to tell me something else? ”I asked expectantly.

"I don't have much to tell. I was very young when all this happened. I don't remember anything.If i remember anything, then only that I saw you for the first time when you had come to Delhi." He said kissing my nose.

"But it is so strange that your parents never even mentioned Shimla.While there they have spent his entire childhood and half their youth." He was surprised by this.

I was also surprised.

"Do you know that your father's last posting was the same, Shimla.?"

"Posting? " I frowned.

His facial expressions changed.

"Now don't say that they didn't tell you that your father was in the army earlier. " This is a breaking news to me.

"Wait, he's a doctor." I corrected him.

"Ofcourse, But he was a doctor in the army before. "

Then  Jeet had a call and he went outside the room.

Was everything he said true?

If yes then today I feel as if I do not know my family.


Hi guys.

I hope you like this chapter.

Don't forget to comment your theories about next turn on Wattpad.

as you all know that how much I love reading comments there and I reply to each one of them.

Then please keep fuelling me up with your reviews.


Kishu ❤️


RatnaPavani.P said...

Nice...and shocking to karishma

Unknown said...

Awesome good job

Unknown said...

Another twist of yours eagerly waiting for its unfold

Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.