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useless attempts

It has been four days since I got married. Jeet never stays at home in day. He always comes in night, that too very late and leaves very soo...

It has been four days since I got married. Jeet never stays at home in day. He always comes in night, that too very late and leaves very soon in the morning even without breakfast. He is a neurologist. I always try to wake up as early as possible. Sometimes,I succeed also. I bring breakfast to him. But he just ignores me as if I don't exist. His behaviour breaks my confidence to get him. I spent most of time in crying. But he doesn't have any effect. I was dying to have his only one word. I really don't care if he scold me for anything, scream at me for any matter. I just want him to speak to me. I seriously have not heard his voice we got married. 
               My mother's words started echoing in my ears " one day, you will regret your decision of marrying him". I closedy ears as tight as I could. Tears started flowing very fast from my eyes. Now, this was very high time for me to seek a way to break his silence.
                    I know that whatever I am going to do now is just height of stupidity but I had to do this. I have to break his silence. Doesn't matter if he shouts at me. I just wanted him to speak to me.
Now here my plan goes, I saw him coming towards kitchen. Maybe he isn't aware that I was there coz if he would then he would have avoided to come there. I was boiling milk. I just took the glass of very hot milk in my hand and left the kitchen as he was coming from opposite side. He couldn't see me coming to him and then I intentionally made that milk fall on his foot. I expected him to shout at me. Scream at me. I just wanted him to let his frustration go out of his heart through his anger. I was waiting him to scream.  
      He growled very silently. He looked at me with lots of anger. I really expected him to yell at me. I was very much ready to get scold but he didn't say anything and left from there.
      I failed again. I started crying but no , I won't cry now. I want answers and i really wanted him to answers. That's why I followed him and gone to our room. I saw him trying to apply ointment on his burnt foot as that was paining a lot. My heart literally cried and regretted for what have I done. But I had to do this which gave me null result. Now it's my turn.
         I snatched ointment from his hand. He stared at me but I ignored him and started applying ointment on his burnt. First time I touched him after our marriage. A lone tear slipped out of my eyes. I was applying it and suddenly he stood up and about to leave.
              I really felt as if someone has killed me. I couldn't handle the growing frustration and finally I asked him "why?". He stopped with my words. I asked again "why are you doing this to me?"
        He turned and looked at me.

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.