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silent treatment

He was taking steps towards me. My heart started racing as his feet moved to me. I actually became a statue realising that he is about to ge...

He was taking steps towards me. My heart started racing as his feet moved to me. I actually became a statue realising that he is about to get close to me. I was literally shivering by thinking about his reaction to this marriage and to me. I closed my eyes in fear. Suddenly I realised that the sound of his foot is no more there. I opened my slowly and saw that I was alone in the room. My heart was relieved but somewhere I was sad also that he didn't talk to me. He didn't even bother to wish me good morning. I felt a very deep pain in my heart. My tears started rolling down through my cheek. Then I remembered maa's words "be ready for upcoming challenges". I wiped my tears off. I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and saw my sister in law Kritika. "Good morning, bhabhi" she said with a bright smile. "Good morning" I said with a very weak smile. She sensed that something is wrong. She hugged me and said" bhabhi I know that all these things are new and difficult for you but you will adjust yourself with time. You just need to be little patient to cope with circumstances. My younger brother is very soft by his heart but it's only situations are responsible for his toughness. Just give him and to yourself time. Everything will be fine." Her words were medicine to my recent injury on heart. I smiled back. " Okay, now get ready quickly. Guests will be here within an hour." She said and gave me a very beautiful saaree to wear for today's ceremony. I got ready and took a look in mirror. I must say I am looking very good in this saaree. I went down as all the guests had arrived by then. I noticed that Jeet wasn't there again. I looked maa. She gave me a smile with assurance. She called someone, I think it is Jeet only. She seemed to have a serious argument. She disconnected the call. I was about to go to maa to talk but suddenly I heard few words from the lady guests in our home. "Tanya was more beautiful than her. She looks very ordinary" one of the lady said looking at me. "Oh! Yes ,I agree but still she was very outspoken and she is shown shy. She is not even talking to anyone."other one commented. I really couldn't understand that for what they are here? To pass comments to me or to compare me with my husband's ex wife. Again I felt pain.
Now, I have understood that which pain and which challenges maa was talking about. But one was still out of my understanding. Why is Jeet behaving this way?I know that he had been forced for this marriage but still if he has done it, he must take its responsibility.
After half an hour. I saw him in our reception party. He was looking very messy having neutral expression on his face. He was not mingling with anyone in the party. Everyone forced him to stand beside me for photo session. I have been facing same situation since this marriage ceremony. This is not what I had expected from this relationship. I know he has a bitter past. But he must move on in his life. I know it is not easy for him still he should try.
Suddenly I saw going to our room. I saw him very tensed but I didn't disturb him because I know that he doesn't like anyone to in his matter. After few minutes, Kritika di came to me. " Jeet is searching for something, go and help him." She said. "Di, has he told you to call me for help?" I asked very hopefully. " No, but I want you to help him and remind him that he has a wife now. He must get used to it." She said sternly. I didn't understand what was she trying to convey but I didn't argue and followed her instruction and went to help him. As soon as I got into the room, I saw that all the things were scattered around. He was searching for something. Actually I did some changes in the room and changed the places of few things that's why he is not getting what he wants. I felt very awkward to ask him but still I gathered my all courage and dared to ask him " ar...are you searching for something?" He ignored as if he didn't listen and kept on searching. "Act... actually I made some changes in room. I know where all the things are. I will tell you. Please tell me." He didn't stop searching and finally found the file and left. He didn't even look at me. Again I felt pain. A very killer pain.
I also left the room after him. I heard Jeet talking to di." Di please tell her not to touch my stuff ever" he said in a very angry tone. " Jeet, she is your wife. She has all rights on you. She can do whatever she wants." She said.
" She is not my wife, she is maa's daughter in law. So she can obviously do whatever she wants but she can't manage my things. Explain this to her very clearly." He said angrily. After listening his words, I burst into tears.
" Okay, why don't you explain her yourself. Why don't you talk to her?" She said. He replied nothing and left. I could see frustration on his face. My heart has broken into thousands of pieces after listening that he doesn't consider me his wife. I cried as much as I could. But again maa's words echoed in my ears "be ready for challenges". But am I that tough enough to bear his anger.
The main problem is that he doesn't talk to me. Doesn't matter how much effort I put to make this work but all I get in return is Silent treatment.

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.