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He turned and looked at me with his very sharp gaze. Anger and frustration was clearly visible in his eyes. He stared at me. I gulped hardly...

He turned and looked at me with his very sharp gaze. Anger and frustration was clearly visible in his eyes. He stared at me. I gulped hardly when he took his first step towards me. I was literally regretting my words because his gaze was too much for me to bear. I started taking small steps back as he moved his towards me. My heart was racing very fast and about to pump out from my chest. There was pin drop silence in the room. Only the sound of his footsteps was only audible. I kept on moving back and suddenly the wall hit me from behind and he was in front of me staring me with same intensity. I was scared as hell. I wanted to run out of the room as soon as possible. I tried to go but he kept his hand on wall and pinned against the wall. "I am dead now" my inner self told me and screaming at me to yell at him. He looked deeply in my eyes. "Why have you done this to me?" These were his first words to me. Finally he spoke. I was happy that finally he spoke but his words were beyond my understanding. I really didn't know what was he talking about. His nose was touching mine. His lips were hardly a centimeter apart from mine. I was breathing heavily. Finally i managed to speak. 
K: what have I done? 
I spoke in a very weak voice. I usually feel very weak in front of him. I was waiting for his reply but he harshly grabbed my hand and took me to the store room. He literally dragged me. He was burning in anger. Then he started yelling. 
V: what have you done, hah?
I was scared to hell now because he yelled at me very badly. Somehow i controlled my tears. He kept screaming. 
V: you shouldn't have married to me. You shouldn't have tried to get married to me. What do you think? I married you due to my will. No bloody way. You were forced upon me. 
I burst into tears and crying very hard now. Specially that word "forced" pinched me a lot. He was yelling in lots of anger.
V: my mother forced me to do this marriage. She told me that i won't get married to you she will not see my fave ever. She will break every tie between us. I couldn't loose my mom. That's why i had to marry you. In fact, i never wanted to get married again after my divorce because i  have understood that all the women are selfish and self centred. A marriage ruins a man's life. My life had been ruined once but i didn't want the history to repeat itself. But my mom, i don't know what she saw in you and became so determined to make me ready for this marriage. 

I felt my knees weakened and i sat on ground trying to understand his words. 
K: i am forced upon you( whisper)

He grabbed my arm harshly and looked into my eyes. Tears were continuously flowing from my eyes and i couldn't help it. Now he started talking in a very low tone.

V: listen to me very carefully karishma. I don't love you. But don't make me hate you because you are not capable to bear my hate. This marriage means nothing to me. Don't try to come close to me. You can become my mom's daughter in law but you can't never become my wife. Enjoy this life's luxuries but don't interfere in mine. Remember this I DON'T WANT YOU.

I felt very numb and motionless. I kept on staring at him as he went out of the room.

"WHAT IS MY FUTURE NOW" i asked myself.

Here K stands for karishma
           V stands for vishwajeet
Please continue reading because next update will be of vishwajeet's pov

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.