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new life

I am standing in front of mirror with full get up of a bride. Everyone is saying that I am looking gorgeous. Today I am going to get marrie...

I am standing in front of mirror with full get up of a bride. Everyone is saying that I am looking gorgeous. Today I am going to get married to one whom I have loved my entire life. I am happy but I don't know about him. He neither talked to me nor tried to talk. His mother did not say anything when papa asked her about him. She just said that everything is fine. Butterflies are fluttering in my stomach as I am going to meet him after six years and that too as my groom. My friends came into my room to take me for the ceremony. I was having veil on my head and the saree was so thick that's why I couldn't see anything through it. After the garland exchange ceremony, we took even vows of promise. When he applied vermilion to my partition,I felt as if I don't want anything else in my life anymore. A year of happiness fell down through my cheek. After the completion of all rituals, it's time to say goodbye to my parents. I cried a lot as my mother didn't come to see me off. I was crying very hard and geeta maa was consoling me continuously. Suddenly I realised that Geeta maa is sitting beside me in the car. I wondered"where is Jeet?". I couldn't see him anywhere. Even I entered in my new house without him which made my heart cry a lot but somehow I controlled my tears in front of everyone. My sister in laws left me in my room alone to take rest. I took a look of whole house through the window which reminded me my last day in this home when Jeet was getting married.

I am sitting in hall watching everyone preparing for the garland exchange ceremony. I am 15 and Jeet is only 21. I don't understand why is he getting married so soon. Couldn't he wait for 3or 4 years. He could get someone better. I haven't seen Tanya yet but I don't want to know about her. Ofcourse I am jealous of her. Who wouldn't be? After all she is stealing my most precious thing from me. When I saw her, my heart skipped away. She is damn beautiful, far far far better than me. My heart started crying when I saw both of them taking wedding vows. I wanted to scream at top of my breath but somehow I controlled my emotions. I wanted to tell everyone that I love Jeet and he is mine but what could I do. Today I have lost my love, the most beautiful dream of my life. I went bathroom and sat on it's floor. I cried as much as I wanted. But this is reality,I had to accept this.
I wish god bless Jeet with lots of happiness in his life ahead.

Today I am again in this house but as jeet's wife. I heard someone knocked the door. "It must be jeet" I thought. I nervously walked towards door to open it. My heart was beating very fast. I opened the door and I saw Geeta maa in front of me. I took veil on my head. She started checking out room.
Maa: jeet isn't back yet?
Me: no.
Maa: have you understood that what did I mean on that day by challenges?
I again got confused.
Maa: I had told you that you will have to face many challenges. This is your first challenge. It is your wedding night and your husband isn't with you and let me tell you he won't come. He has married to you because I forced him.
I was sobbing very hard. It is a forced marriage for him. I have been forced on him. He won't accept me ever.

Maa: child. I forced him to get married to you because I have faith in you that you will bring my old son back to me. I am telling you these things so that you will be ready for upcoming situations.
I stopped weeping.
Maa: good girl. Now sleep. There will be more ceremonies tomorrow.

Maa left. and I started crying by thinking that how my new life would be. Will I be able to fullfill maa's expectations.
With these thoughts, I went to deep sleep. Next morning, I woke up as heard the shower's sound. I saw jeet gawking at me with intensity. I was looking everywhere but him. He slowly walked towards me and I started searching for something, even I don't know what was I searching for. May be I just wanted to avoid his gaze on me.

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.