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As soon as I opened my eyes from the deep sleep of last night, my eyes averted to see my angel. But unfortunately she wasn't there. I wa...

As soon as I opened my eyes from the deep sleep of last night, my eyes averted to see my angel. But unfortunately she wasn't there. I was expecting her to be there but she wasn't. I didn't like this but still i am very happy today. I know I have done many wrong things with her but today onwards everything will be right and perfect for her.  I got up and did my morning business, had shower. It's so strange that she hasn't come in the room since i woke up. 

       I was waiting for her to come in the room breakfast as she does it everyday but to my surprise she sent kamli ( our maid) to call me down for the breakfast. I couldn't understand this, i mean why this sudden change. And even if she wanted me to come down. She could have came up herself and asked for it. I felt agitated with this. Wait! She must be shy. She must be feeling shy in front of me that's why she sent kamli. I smiled with myself.

                            I went down. I saw di and maa already on dining table and karishma was serving them food. She was looking fresh. Her hair were wet which was making me hot for her." Control jeet control. She is already all yours" he said myself.

Kr: ohh ho....what a pleasant surprise? Today you and on dining table with us. Wowww
     She said taunting me. I rolled my eyes on her. Karishma looked at me for few seconds and averted her eyes and made her way to kitchen. She didn't even smile at me. Her face was expressionless and her eyes were sad. But why? I thought that she must be happy now. She came back and sat on the chair beside me. She served me food and started having her breakfast. I can't understand her behaviour at all. I mean she isn't even looking at me. Did i hurt her? Damn! I should have been more gentle with her. All of us had our breakfast in silence. Thoughts were going on my mind but suddenly a jolt of anger ran through my mind when i saw carrot pudding on the table. Karishma can't make it because she knows that I hate it. It must be kamli.

V: di, what is this? Didn't you tell this new maid the rules? 
 I said in low voice.
Kr: but vishu, i had told her everything.
K: ummm....di, i have made it.
 I was shocked to hear this. 
V: why? 
I asked raising my one eyebrow. Agitation was visible in my voice. She looked at me for a second and then turned to di.
K: di, you know that I like it. I wanted to eat this that's why I made it. Is there anything wrong?

We all looked at each other.
Mom: but karishma, you know vishu doesn't like it at all.
K: but maa, no one is asking him to eat it. If he doesn't like it then he is free to not to eat it.

 I was fuming in anger now. What the fuck is wrong with her. I mean, when everything is going on good between us then why is she trying to ruin everything. I stood up in anger and left the table.

I was constantly thinking about morning events during the whole drive. I got into the hospital and saw arti on reception. I must say she was before time. She saw me and I walked towards her.
A: Good morning sir.
She said with a warm smile. Her smile somehow made me calm a bit. I nodded and looked around her desk. She has managed so many things. I saw new sheets on her desk and few files.
V: you must have come very early.
A: yes sir, i thought since it's my first day then i should arrange things according to schedule and have a look on things i am going to deal with.
I was impressed with her dedication.
A: sir, i have made today's most important appointments list. These are the meetings you have to attend. And the surgery has been postponed by tomorrow. This is today's to do list with time and if you want me to edit or omit it. Then we have enough time to make a new schedule for today.
   She said giving me few pages. She is so like Arihant bhai.  This is his way of working like scheduling everything before office hours. Prioriting everything in sequence. He has given her such a great training. I looked at the papers.
V: nothing is needed to be changed. All the best for you first day. I hope you won't disappoint me.
A: sir, i ll try my best.
     She said with a very small smile. Her smile even made me smile for a second. I can sense that why Arihant bhai was praising her so much. I made my way to the cabin.
All the day, i kept on working. Arti actually made my work half by managing everything in advance. Though she was receptionist but she was doing her job perfectly. Earlier receptionists used to attend calls only but she, she is doing everything which comes in her reach. I am actually not regretting my decision of hiring her.

           It's evening. I was about to leave my cabin. My phone rang. I expected this to be of karishma but it was from Arihant bhai.
V: hey bhai,how are you?
Ar: i m good. How about you?
V: m great. U say. How you have remembered me today?
Ar: vishu, has she left the office, i mean arti?
    I got suspicious. I mean why does he want her each and every moment's whereabouts. I decided not to ask him anything further.
V: yes, she is about to leave. She is just arranging few things for tomorrow.
Ar: thanks.
Before i could ask him anything, he disconnected the call. I didn't want to think about this. All I want is to think about that how m i going to approach karishma calmly now. It's high time to make her sit and talk to her.
          I reached home and got into my room. What i saw surprised me. She was packing her bags. Is she leaving me? This is the first thought csme in my mind. I panicked for a moment. "No, she would never do that" my sub conscious mind told me. I walked towards her. Her movements got slow while packing her bag for few seconds but then she again resumed her pace. I could see that she was ignoring me.

V: are you going somewhere?
 I asked trying to be calm.
K: yes, to my home.
What! This is her home. How can she say that she is going her home? Is she really leaving me? 
V: this is your home.
I said bluntly. She looked at me for about three seconds and then she again resumed her business.
K: i am going at my papa's place for this weekend. It has been so long i met him.
She said while arranging sarees in her suitcase.
V: you can call them.
K: no, i want to go.
She said with no expressions on her face. It's killing me now. I grabbed her shoulder and made her look at me.
V: what's wrong? Did I hurt you? Look, m really very sorry if I wasn't gentle enough with you. But please, don't do this to me. Don't go. Whatever the problem is, we can sort it out.
         I said with great hope. But saw building tears in her eyes.
K : you can't fix anything now.
She said keeping my hands away from her shoulders and that tear left her eye. She turned around. She took her bag and reached to the door.
V: what have I done?
I asked in frustration. My voice very high. My despiration was high. Karishma stopped and turned around me.
K: this marriage was forced upon you but what happened last night was not forced. You should better ask this question to yourself.
 She turned around and left me in a puzzled situation.


NilNetra said...

Just awsome 😍 but I wonder if he'd be able to recollect what blunder he made?

Unknown said...

Awesome update

Unknown said...

I think he deserves it after all he made her suffer this much

Manju said...

Will he realize his mistake??

Unknown said...

Nice update. Don't make karishma suffer too much. She deserves her happiness

Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.