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Suddenly i felt a jolt gone through my left cheek leaving shocked. It took 2 minutes for me to register this fact that I have been slapped, ...

Suddenly i felt a jolt gone through my left cheek leaving shocked. It took 2 minutes for me to register this fact that I have been slapped, which was never happened before. What i saw next made me shocked even more. I saw my mom standing in front of me having unlimited anger on her face. I couldn't believe, did my mom just slap me? More on that, why did she come out of the room. She was looking so sick. Suddenly, she fainted. Somehow I handelled her. Karishma was trying to hold her but i didn't let her. How could I! Whatever was happening was happening because of her. I took her to the room, kept her on bed. I tried to see her condition but di came in between. " You will not touch her" di said in angry tone." Di, what are you saying? Can't you see, she needs a doctor" i explained. "You aren't the only doctor in the city. We have already hired  a doctor for her" she said. I mean what! I am doctor and another doctor seeing my mom. What is happening in my life. It feels as if i have started loose all my loved ones slowly slowly." Di, how can you do that? First you didn't tell me about maa's condition then you have isolated me from every event of this home. What is happening?" I asked in frustration but she doesn't seem to even care. She got out of the room to call someone, it must be doctor. I saw karishma sitting beside my mom on bed and taking care of her. I literally don't know how to react in this situation as myself is too confused. But what to do when your own family members aren't with you. She sat on the sofa in the room itself. Di strictly warned me to not to go close to mom and she even made karishma sit beside her as her guardian. I mean seriously, she thinks that that little rabbit can stop me anyway. Anyways, i didn't make any attempt to go to mom as i was already very pissed off of karishma. I was lost in my thoughts then i saw shivani coming in the room. That means Di has hired Shivani as maa's doctor. Now, i am relieved that my mom is in safe hands. She smiled at me entering in room. She examined mom. "Karishma, these are the changes in medicine I'm making. Just keep on taking care of her that you have been doing." She gave prescription to karishma. This annoyed me even more. Just because of her, mom came out of room, got angry and slapped. She couldn't take this stress and got fainted & still everyone is giving importance to her as if i don't exist." But, i don't understand. How come she suddenly became so much weak and sick? Her progress was well" she asked. No one answered. Di stared at me in response. Shivani understood that something is wrong. She didn't ask anything more. She explained few things to karishma." Okay, i take leave now. There are plenty of work in hospital as well. Vishu, are you coming with me or you will come later or you have taken leave today?" She asked me. I was about to say that i won't come today." Please take him with you, this home indeed needs his absence right now" di said in a sarcastic tone. I was about to interrupt but shivani showed me her eyes to shut up and took my hand to take me out. I was frustrated, more than a lot. I started driving. " Are you going to say something?" Shivani asked. " What do you expect me to say? Don't you know anything?" I said very rudely. I knew she didn't deserve this but i was hell annoyed. "No, i don't know. But i have idea from your mom's condition. She was recovering well then what went wrong?" She asked. She is her doctor. I have to tell her everything. "She got angry and slapped me. She took stress more than enough to handle" she was surprised to hear this. I could see that on her face. But somehow she controlled it." And why she got angry?" She asked sternly. I didn't want to say anything but still. " She slapped me because of that girl. She didn't inform me about mom's condition and i reacted to it then mom reacted by slapping me" i said in anger." You mean your wife?" She said very casually as if it's a fact. " She is my mom's daughter in law" i said with no emotions. " Then why did you expect her to tell you anything when she's nothing to you? I mean it's justified" she said very casually taking bite of the apple. I was shocked to listen her. I mean she's my friend and what is she doing. She should be taking my side. Before i could react to this. We reached hospital. As soon as we got out of the car, my reaction was obvious." What did you say?" I asked her." It's obvious vishu. I mean on one hand you say she's nothing and on another you expect her to tell you everything." She explained calmly. " But she's my mom. She should have told me about my mom's condition when she needed me the most" i said angrily. " No vishu, your mother didn't need you. She needed a doctor and she got it. So what's the issue? She has been treated well by me or you don't trust me enough." She arched her eyebrow. "You are getting me wrong Shivani. I am mad at karishma." I said while sitting on chair. "Vishu, you are not understanding anything. Do you have any idea how sick aunty was that she couldn't even stand on her own but karishma,she took her care so well that she could stand, walk and could even slap you" she said giggling. I wanted to answer her back on slapping event but what got my attention was karishma's care for my mother. Was she really taking care of maa that well? "Hey, what are you thinking?" Shivani interrupted in my thoughts." Nothing, m just leaving for home" i said grabbing my blazier and keys of car. " Are you sure? I mean nobody wants you there" she said casually eating apple. I glared at her. "What? Don't look at me as if i don't know you. Well! Your wish if you want to go." She said continuing with her apple. I was about to leave cabin then she called me from back. "Vishu" she called. I turned to see her." Vishu, treat karishma at least like a human. Give her what she deserves as a human being in your home." She said softly. I rolled my eyes and left. I started driving and Shivani's last words were going on in my mind. Everyone is asking me to think otherwise for karishma. Why don't these people leave me on my own. Everyone is concerned to her. Everyone is thinking about her but no one is thinking about me. Why isn't anyone understanding that i have been forced into this. This is not a film where forced things could be accepted easily by anyone. 
              I reached home. I was feeling weird as no one wanted me in the home at this point of time but i had to see maa if she is okay. I reached out of maa's room. I heard her speaking to someone. That someone is karishma. I stayed there waiting her to come out. I didn't intend to hear their conversation. But what could i do rather than that." Maa, are you feeling well now?" She asked maa feeding her light fruit salad. Maa just nodded. " Maa, I ll be back in a minute" i said while standing to keep plates in kitchen but maa held her hand and made her sit beside her." I am sorry beta" my mom apologized. I mean really? Why is she doing that? " But maa, what happened? I should be the one who should apologize. I couldn't take care of you so well" she said. " No, beta what you are doing is more than enough for any girl of your age. I am apologising because of vishu. The way he behaved with you today. I never taught him this but don't know when he became this way" she said very apologetically. Oh wow! So that's how this like girl is manupilating everyone and making them realize that how miserable her life is with me." Maa, you are not well now. We shall talk about this later." She said. What else she wants to talk about. Hasn't she done enough damage my position in my loved one's life." No beta, i regret my upbringing now. I used to think that my son is so understanding that he will never need anyone to tell him or make him understand right things. But......" My mother's these words broke my already broken heart even more."No, maa. I am not in bad condition at all. In fact i m the happiest girl on this planet who has got to marry the man she wanted to." She said. And yes, why won't you be happy making my life a living hell." But maa, have you ever thought about jeet? This marriage is such a injustice to him. I got what i wanted but what about him. Everyone's sympathy is with me. Everyone wants him to understand. But we should also understand that whatever is happening is happening against his will. Other people are controlling his life. So, isn't it obvious and justified for him to react this way. If i would be at his place. My reaction would have been even worse. I couldn't bare anyone in my life except him. I fought with my papa so much to not to get me married somewhere else. But jeet, he is doing what everyone telling him to. Why isn't anyone is thinking from his perspective? Maa, i don't have any complaints. So, please don't think like this and stop blaming him for all this. Actually,he is the one who's suffering here the most. I am with someone whom i love but he, he has to see someone daily in his room whom he doesn't want in any way. So, say na maa, whose condition is worse? Mine or his?" She said making me maa quite.
Her words made me shocked. Really? She really thinks this way or m just day dreaming. After listening, i didn't have courage to go in mom's room. I got back to my room and sat on chair thinking about karishma's words. I wasn't able to understand that what she was saying was saying genuinely or just to make mom feel better. I didn't even expect her to say those words ever. What she said were exactly my feelings right now. She really understood me or it's just an act. Oh god! Why these women are so complicated? I heard someone's foot's sound coming to the room. I pretended to be asleep. As usual, karishma came in room, took bath and slept on couch. I opened my eyes and saw her sleeping. She was wearing yellow saree. I couldn't resist and went close to her. The reason why I am interested in her today were her words for me said to mom. I sat beside couch to see her. This is the first time i am noticing as a woman, a very beautiful woman. Was she this much beautiful before too or am just having hellucination.
       Control jeet, control. This is a woman's trap. Don't change your this much soon. There's a very long way to go. With this i got back to my bed and slept.

Guys, i have put lots of efforts to this chapter and made it longer than other as well as a bit descriptive regarding background and feelings. How do you like this chapter? Plz comment and vote🤗

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.