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Vishwajeet "Jeet! Jeet!" I could clearly hear tanya calling me from back but i chose not to pay attention. Not because m embarrass...


"Jeet! Jeet!" I could clearly hear tanya calling me from back but i chose not to pay attention. Not because m embarrassed but somewhere I know that she isn't looking for something serious so neither me. Whatever happened was happened due to heat of the moment. I don't want to face her because i don't want to stretch this thing. This has to get stopped. She tried to talk to me even in the class but i didn't even look at her. " Anything wrong happened?" Shiva asked me. I gave him a very anguish look. " What you did yesterday was very wrong?" I barked back. Initially he didn't understand anything but later he understood that i was talking about him leaving the room for whole night. He started blushing. "God man! Now, who could be her girl" my inner self asked me in amusement and disbelief. I looked back again to see if tanya still looking at me but guess what she's still actually looking at me. I removed my eyes immediately. I got out of the class as soon as possible. I was walking through corridor of my hostel, suddenly someone grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to store room. And you guessed right, it's Tanya AGAIN but wait did she just handcuffed me. " What are you doing? Have you gone mad?" I asked her with irrigation. " What am i doing? What are you doing and why?" She answered me back, technically she questioned me back. " What am i doing?" I pretended to be unaware and unaffected of her presence. " If you are not doing anything then why are you ignoring me?" She asked me. " Why would I ignore you?" I answered very calmly. "Oh jeet! Don't pretend that you aren't affected of what happened." She said having a very windy smile on her face. Oh god this girl is going to kill me. " Should I get affected?" I answered back. She didn't reply but just sat on the table already kept there. " See Tanya, i know that this isn't a big deal for you and whatever happened was very quick and unpredictable. So, it's better for both of us to forget and move on." I explained her but she didn't seem to care. She was looking at me with her old side smile. Now, i was irritated. I mean i m talking to her and she doesn't even care to respond. " What are you looking at?" I asked in anger. " You" she answered seductively. "You look so hot when you are angry or i should say faking anger" she said folding her hands around my neck the way she did last night. " I m not faking anything" i said sternly. " Oh c'mmon jeet! Don't pretend that you don't want to be here with me ALONE" she wisphered last word. Only i knew the way i was controlling myself. " No, I don't want to be here with you and that too lyk this" i replied showing her handcuffed hands. " Oh really? If it is so then why didn't you try to get free from these cuffs coz if you did then you would have been freed immediately as i didn't lock it up" she said smirking. I understood that i lost the game here. I freed up myself and went towards her. "What do you want Tanya?" I asked seriously. " I want you jeet and more than that i want you to want me the way you did last night." She said while making me sit on table . "By the way your fake acting was disaster" she said giggling as she sat over me. "Right and  you are just genuine all the time." I taunt. "Well! I faked last night a lot" this caught my attention and the discussion became intense and serious for me. " What do you mean? What did you fake last night?" I asked wanting my answer immediately. "Oh, don't behave as if you have not understood" she replied. I grabbed her arm and demanded my answer. "You were good, but i had to fake orgasm, you know so that you don't feel hurt." She said winking at me. "Thrice?" I asked lifting my eyebrow and grabbing her more tightly. Our lips were merely apart from each other. " Why don't you give me more orgasm and prove that I didn't fake it?" I smashed my lips on her. God! Today strawberry. I tried to enter my tongue in her mouth but she didn't let me in. I understood her game. She unbuttoned my shirt and i pull the zip down of her top. She took off her top. I was kissing her constantly but she wasn't letting me in. Suddenly the removed her bra and and pressed her left breast, she lost the game here and opened her mouth to gasp. This was my chance and i entered my tongue in her mouth. I flipped her and came on above her. She has been always bold and expressive towards my touch. I don't know whether i like it or not surely i does excite me. "Jeet....ohh...yeessss aaahh aahhh" she was moaning helplessly as i was assaulting her breasts. I moved down and removed her trousers. I stood up and saw the sight in front of me. Tanya was lying in front of me on table just in her panty taking long and heavy breaths. She was busy in her own world. I went towards her pussy and kiss it upon the clothing. It felt as if the jolt of current flew through her body. I tightly grabbed her thighs and kept my mouth between them. "Ohh jeet, whaaa.....what are do...doing?" She asked shivering. "What am i doing Tanya? What should i do?" I asked innocently knowing that the ball is on my side. "Just do what you did last night and make me release" she said  restlessly. " What did i do last night? You just faked everything" i said in a taunting way. " Oh jeet plzz plzz don't do this. Plzzz stop this torture and make me cum." She pleaded but that was all what i want. I immediately removed her panty and put my tongue in her buds of vagina. Her eyes rolled up very wildly. "Jeet! Ohh yess oh gooood yess.....aahhhh jeet, it feell.....lllsss soooo goo....goood" she was continuously moaning. I got my tongue as deep as I could. I bit her buds with my teeths. She winced initially but i understood that she likes it this way only. Suddenly i felt her body to be stiffened. I understood she was about to come then i left her.........." What have you....."" Sshhhhhhhh.... quite" i responded to her anger. I removed my jeans freeing my member all ready for her. She understood that what was there for her. She just smiled back and laid back quitely. I went close to her and touched myself to her core. She shivered and arched signaling me to go further. As my vixen wishes and again we did it.
       "Don't call me jeet. Anytime. Specially when we have sex." I told tanya while putting my shirt on."why?" She asked while getting up and fixing her hair. " Someone else calls me jeet and only she can call me jeet. It reminds me of her whenever you call me jeet" i continued." Is she that special to you that you remember her even when you are with me?" She asked with curiosity. I smiled . I could smell her jealousy." Yes, she is very special" i said casually and making it a fact. She was getting down from the table and suddenly she fell......

I woke up."aahhhhh" she cried in pain. I saw karishma hold her foot very tightly and sitting nearby my bed. She didn't expect me to help her as it was very obvious. I mean really? Am i this much rude to her that she doesn't expect even a small help from me. She didn't even notice that i was awaken and looking at her or she might  in pain to notice that. But what is wrong with me. Why am i so unaffected of her pain that I don't feel like helping her. There was a time when i didn't like anyone to call me jeet except her. I didn't allow even Tanya to call me jeet. I was lost in my thoughts of guilt when i noticed that her foot's small finger's nail has been broken very badly and it's bleeding. I couldn't believe that i still didn't get affected. I left to take shower to avoid the situation. " What happened vishu?" A voice came from mirror. I turned back and saw myself in the mirror smiling at me or i should say giving me a mocking smile." She is in pain. Don't you this much sensibility to treat  her, at least for humanity sake." He said." Why should I treat her. I am not responsible for her actions"  i said trying to defend myself." Which actions? Her life's decision with you or the action of getting hurt in foot" it said from mirror." Her every decision" i spat rudely. " See, how problematic you have become vishu. Why can't you see that she was hurt and she needed a doctor just like a human being? " He said in a regretting tone and that's what caught my attention. I looked at him in this disbelief that how did i forget that i am a doctor. I should have treated her well." Vishu, look at yourself. You have lost your sense of differentiating your reactions according to situation. You are seeing a big picture but why not every scene. The hatred in your heart is dominating your real self that you yourself have started loosing it. She didn't speak to you after that day when you made her feel guilty of being forced. She didn't complaint about anything. She even took your side in front of your mother. She understands you. When no one understood your point of view of not getting married to her. She is not only accepted but  living it. She has taken all responsibility of her decision of marrying you. That's why she has stopped expecting anything from you. You are angry with her because she is your wife now. Then be angry but atleast treat her as a human which is her right. You know what! She is much more responsible than you. Don't love her as a wife but doesn't she deserve your care? Have you forgotten about the promise you made when you saw her first time?" The last line shooked me up. Really, i am not this. I can't be like this.

I know you all are very angry because of late update.🙏 But now onwards i shall update every sunday.
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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.