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golden days

Flashback- 21 years ago Vishwajeet's   POV " No mom , i won't go school today " i cried very badly . M : no ...

Flashback- 21 years ago
Vishwajeet's  POV
"No mom, i won't go school today" i cried very badly.
M: no vishu, today is your maths exam. You have to go. Now, come and drink this milk. You are getting late for school.

V: No, i will not go school today. I want to welcome Neeta aunt's new born baby.

M: Beta, she is not running anywhere. When you will come back, i shall surely take you to her.
I wasn't listening anything as i wanted to Neeta aunty's new baby girl. I have never seen a newborn baby. This is the first time. Actually, i was wanting the baby to see me first. But mom was forcefully sending me school for that stupid maths exam. I mean, common I am only 6 years old and that too only in 2nd standard. They are only mid term exams which are really not that much important.

M: Mom please give an application with medical.
I pleaded as much as i could. But my mom is my mom. We were waiting for my school bus. I tried to convince her once more.

V: "mom, please. In next term I'll score highest marks but today please let me stay." I said with my kiddos voice and puppy eyes.
Mom sat down and explained
Mom: See vishu, i promise you if you will do today's exam keenly then i will never stop you going to her. But if you will not follow me then  I'll never let you see her
My heart skipped as those words came out of her mouth. I quickly got into school bus. All day long, I kept on thinking about the little baby. I wish I could be there with but damn! Mom. I was in the classroom giving my stupid mathematics exam but in my mind i was eagerly waiting for this exam to get over. As soon as exam got over, I ran towards the bus. Even in the bus also it was very difficult to wait. My finger were screaming to touch the  baby.
As soon as the bus stopped I ran towards Neeta aunty's home but as always the biggest hurdle of my life, my MOM was there blocking my way.

"Mom, please let me go in. I have given my exam, now what more you want." I asked my mom very annoyingly because she never lets me do anything what I want

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.