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"can't you listen what m i asking you to do?" I shouted at nurse as my mood was really very bad. She got scared and left the c...

"can't you listen what m i asking you to do?" I shouted at nurse as my mood was really very bad. She got scared and left the cabin as quick as she could.oh god! This headache is killing me. "Here i come with your headache medicine." I opened my eyes to see then i saw Shivani eating apple. Wait! Did she come in cabin all the way eating apple in front of everyone?
V:what are you doing here?
I asked rolling my eyes as i had no mood to talk to anyone.
S: i was going to my cabin then i heard you shouting at nurse and then she came out in a fear state. So, i thought let's make it more worse for you.
She said eating apple. And making childish faces.
V: she was scared. Didn't you get scare? You should too.
S: huh! Fear and from you. That's what I call joke of the year. 
She said waving her hair in air.
Though i didn't want any one here but thank god Shivani is with me here right now. She has clearly lighten up my mood. I still remember the day when her brother and my college best friend shiva met an accident and bid good bye to this world. This pain was too much for me but for Shivani, i can't even imagine.
S: by the way what has happened now? Why are you so much in anger, jaanu?
She said blinking her eyes and giving me a fake smile. This girl and her drama.
V: nothing
I said while taking my seat.
S:hmm....let me guess. It's about your wife.
I glared at her.
S:what? Isn't she your wife? 
She said making it a obvious thing. Actually that is very obvious. Why she has to be my wife. Couldn't she remain my 👼. But, no has to ruin everything and she did.
V: she isn't that important for me to think about everytime.
I said pretending to find a file.
S: oh! Wow! Great, finally you have not denied that she isn't your wife. Good vishu. You are doing great. Keep improving like this.
She said giving a wide smile. Her smile made me realize that how much she want me to move on in life and stay happy. Everyone wants that. How blind am i to not to notice that everyone around me loves me so much. Even Shivani and Karishma.
S:look vishu, everything takes time & we all understand that it will take time for you as well to absorb these sudden changes and move on in life.
I just hope that you understand the value of a girl in your life who loves you selflessly and unconditionally.

I looked at her and realized that how much wrong did i do. It wasn't her fault and still i reacted that way.i was lost in my thoughts.
S:by the way, i just came to tell you that the applicants for receptionist job are coming today for interview and you have to interview them.
    Oh god! How could I forget. Thank god she saved me. She is saviour. I just nodded.
S: you could have said thank you but you and your ego won't let you do that.
She said while finishing her apple and getting out of the cabin. I just could smile.
     Life is so strange and confused sometimes. Why am i behaving this way? If she has gone, she has gone. Why do i still get affected by her memories? I should not. If i have thought to give karishma one fair chance then i should be loyal and neutral with it. But what can i do, whenever Tanya comes across my memories, my heart,mind and soul fill with hate and anger. I have to control it. I can't forget that karishma has understood me and gave me my space. Calm down jeet.
    Suddenly my phone starting ringing. 'Arihant bhai' is the caller name flashed on my screen and smile flashed on my face.
A: hello
V: hey bhai, how are you? Where have been? It has been so long since we met.
A: yeah, i know. Actually i was busy in some in stuff. How are you?
V: i am fine bhai. When are you coming home? Mom will love to have you here.
A:soon, but today I have called you to do me a favour.
     He sounded little stressed.
V:sure bhai, just ask. Anything for you.
A: thanks vishu, i knew it that you will help me. Actually, there's interview for receptionist in your hospital today. Right?
V: yeah, so?
A: actually vishu, there's a girl. Her name is arti. I know this is very inappropriate for me to ask this but can you please give that job to her.
   I was shocked to listen that. Arihant bhai is my maternal uncle's eldest son. I know him since my birth. He is not a kind of person who recommend someone like this but i still can't understand.
V: bhai, i have no issues with this but i seriously can't understand why are you favouring her?
   I asked curiously
A: actually, she needs this job. She doesn't have that many qualifications for the post but trust me she is very hard working and dedicated. You won't regret her giving this job.
    I felt a bit wierd. He is trying to convince me. This is not him. I must see this girl who has made him bow his knees down in front of me.
V: don't worry bhai. I ll see it.
A: and one more thing. Don't let her know that i have recommended her and you know me. Please.
     I will like🤨. But what to do.
V: okay bhai.
           I hung up. 
"Knock Knock" i heard peon knocking the door." Come in" i permitted him to come in."sir, applicants have come. Shall i start sending them?" He asked." After 10 minutes" i told him. He left. I saw myself in mirror and adjusted myself. 

      Interview started and i interviewed all of them. Then the girl came'arti'."may i come in sir?" Arti said." Yes, come in". I answered.she came in." Please take a seat" i said." Thank you sir" she said with a light formal smile."here is my file sir" she gave me file of her documents. I viewed everything in that. She was wearing light green saree, a very simple braid, very small red bindi on her forehead and no makeup. I wonder, why bhai was favouring her? I mean even if i think him having interest in her, that is not possible at all coz she is not his type.
Name: Arti sharma.
Status: married
"Arti, you have not completed even your graduation. It seems that you were quite good in your studies from your school grades. May i know the reason that why did you leave your studies?" I asked curiously coz i really wanted to know the reason."sir, as soon as i completed my school, my parents got me married. After that i couldn't have chance to pursue my studies further. But sir i am in my graduation final year right now and after an year i shall have that degree too." She answered in a calm manner. I was amazed to see this , i mean she could have continued her studies so back then. If she didn't do  at that time then why and how now? What kind of husband and family she has got. I mean, who doesn't let anyone study in today's era even though they are married. I was turning the file, i saw something surprising. She had working in 'chauhan enterprises'. "Have you worked in Chauhan enterprises?" I asked her to confirm. "Ummm...yes sir, i have worked there as the company's boss's assistant." She said. "Arihant Chauhan?" I confirmed again. " ...sir" she resultantly confessed. Now, i understood something but not everything. She is married and bhai is concerned to her or should I say interested. But bhai is not that kind of man to have an eye on some married woman. May be she is the culprit. But how? If she is wrong at some point then why bhai is favouring her. "Why did you leave your previous job?" I asked in terms of enquiring. She thought for sometime"There was personal problem,sir" she said.what should I do now? Should I hire her? Of course I have to after all bhai has recommended her."sir, i know what are you thinking. But i ensure you that you won't regret giving me this job. I will give my best." She tried to convince me. Bhai was right. She indeed needs this job. I pretend to think sometime. "Okay, you can start from tomorrow." She said giving her file having a stern expression on my face. "Thank you sir, thank you soooo much" she said happily. "But don't forget, sharp at 8. Other staff come at 10 and after that. But since you are receptionist, you have to manage things earlier than the actually hospital get starts." I explained her. "Okay sir, i will take care of that" she said. I nodded. "You may leave now" i said. She left. I was tired now. I wanted to go home. So i left.

        I went to park and started my car on the way to home. What will i do now. Today my attitude was very mean towards her. She didn't do anything wrong today. But still i behaved that way which is really very wrong. God, please show me the way to fix this.
              I reached home, parked the car and got into the home." You are home too early, vishu. Is everything ok?" Di asked me concernly. "Yeah di. I am fine. I just felt to come home early today. Where is karishma?" I asked di. She seemed to be surprised a bit. She smiled."She is in kitchen" di said. 
      I went towards kitchen. I saw her making something. I didn't pay attention to that as my whole concentration was on the problem of starting a conversation with her. She was looking around for something. Probably for the jug. I took the jug up and gave it to her. She was surprised to see me in kitchen. I was surprised too. I don't even remember  when did i last came here. Actually I remember, i came in kitchen when i forced Tanya to cook something for me. Oh god! No vishu no. Control yourself. Don't give her this much importance. See and think about the person who is in front of you. Karishma, yes. Think about her. And think for a better way to start conversation.
K: you and If you needed something, you could have called me.
She said reluctantly.
V: no, I don't anything. Actually, i have come here to ask about your foot which had been injured in the morning.
Her eyes went big.
K: you noticed? 
  She asked in surprise.
V: obviously. Hows that?
K: it's fyn now.
She said lowering her head in a low voice.
V: are you fyn? Is it paining?
K: no, it's just.......
She stopped speaking. I know she is feeling weird and uncomfortable of my concerned behaviour.
V: get ready for evening at 8.
     I was about to leave.
K: why? Are we going somewhere?
V: yes, there's a party. I want you to accompany me there.
     She didn't smile but i could say that she felt happy and surprised too.

    Well done vishu! You are doing great. You just have to move on forgetting everything related to that woman. Just remember that there's a girl who understands you and is ready to be with you in every circumstance. Now, everything needs a FRESH start.

Thank you so much for the love and support you all have shown since last update❤️.
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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.