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karishma i couldn't believe what i just heard. he seriously wants me to take out, like really? i feel like m on ninth cloud. But wait, w...

i couldn't believe what i just heard. he seriously wants me to take out, like really? i feel like m on ninth cloud. But wait, what should I wear? this is the first time he is taking me out. I want to look my best. I was lost in my own thoughts, suddenly i bumped into someone. It was di, she held me saved me from falling.
kr:oh my my! where are you bhabhi jaan?
she said smiling with questioning eyes. 
k: Di! actually jeet is taking me out tonight.
I said with lots of coyness and little excitement. I didn't want her to see my despiration but I couldn't help it. Her eyes went wide after listening this. Her eyes were filled with happiness and confusion.
kr: Really? i m so happy for you but how has this happened?
she asked with excitement.
K: I don't know di. He just came in kitchen and asked me to be ready in the evening. He said he wants to take me out. But di I m so confused that I can't even decide what to wear and how..........
i couldn't even complete my sentence , Di hold my hands and looked at me with concern.
Kr: Don't worry. I am here for you. Today, Ill get you ready and I assure you that my brother won't be able to take off his eyes of you.
She said with lot's of determination on her face. we both got into my room. She saw my closet and took out a black saree. I had never worn that saree especially in front of jeet. She did my makeup and hair. She gave me her heels which were matching with my saree. after final touch up, I looked myself in mirror and i could see how well she got me ready for tonight.
Kr: so? How is it?
she asked keeping her chin on my shoulder from back and looked at me in mirror. I couldn't help but blush.
V: karishma, are you ready?
we saw jeet coming in room. he looked at di and then he looked at me. i could sense that his eyes were kind of glued to me.
Kr: hmm hmm.... i think i should leave now?
She left after whispering good luck in my ears. She is the best.
V: shall we leave? we are already late.
he said very coldly. i just could nodded. he lead the way for me. We got in car. The whole ride was very silent. it's not like I was expecting him to say something but i just wanted to know that where were we going. suddenly the car stopped. I looked outside the window, it was some hotel. I was about to open the door of car. he stopped me by grabbing my arms lightly. I looked at him with confusion. He left my hand and stared at me for at leat 10 seconds without blinking his eyes. did I do something wrong? aren't we suppose to get out of the car here? these were the thoughts coming in my mind. Then he brought his hand near my bun and he released my hair. I looked at disbelief.
V: Let them be open. You look more beautiful when they are open.
he said with sincerity in his voice. I couldn't help diverting my eyes. We got out of the car and went in the hotel.


undoubtedly, she is looking so beautiful today. Di has made sure that she looks at her best today. She was nervous. she might be nervous because of the people around them. She is not used to this kind of crowded place. She doesn't do parties and all. She likes to stay at home and doing the work of her liking. As soon as we went in hotel, Rahul came and hugged me. "hey vishu, where were you yaar? we all have been waiting for you for so long" he said with high voice. "i was just stuck in traffic" i said. I noticed that karishma was behind me. I shifted to take a look at her. " so, she is karishma?" rahul asked me pointing towards her. I knew that they all were eagerly waiting but not for me, actually they wanted to see karishma. I have to admit that I hated coming here because I knew that they all are going to compare her with Tanya. I didn't want them to have any chance to do something inappropriate. I kept my harm on her shoulder and gave her a side hug. She was surprised for a second. "yes, she is my wife" i tried to sound confident and happy. this is the first time when I am addressing her my wife. I did it because i know that she is already very uncomfortable here. my warm behaviour will definitely give her some confidence. "well! Hi " rahul gave his hand to karishma to shake which I didn't like. I knew that he did that to irritate me because he knew that how possessive was I for tanya. He used to flirt with her a lot just to irritate me and she also used to participate in his flirting just to get a reaction out of me. karishma didn't shake hands. "hi" she said with a small smile. this made me smile as well. she is sensible. Why couldn't tanya be like her. Jeet stop it, you are here with her. stop thinking about Tanya. " please come, there are many more inside waiting for you" rahul said with leading our way. " ohh, what a pleasant  surprise. Our newly wed couple is here" Shivani said with excitement grabbing everyone's attention which definitely annoyed me. "shivani , what are you doing? It has been several weeks since I am married. So where this newly wed concept is coming from" I said with irritation but as usual she ignored me and went my back to karishma. " I hope you didn't mind I said that" she asked karishma. karishma didn't say anything. she just smiled signaling that she liked it. We sat down. "Nice saree" riya complemented karishma. Riya was Tanya's friend. "Thank you" karishma said with a confident smile. I was expecting her not to be here but to my disappointment Riya was here. And I knew that she will definitely say something reckless. and here she comes. "You know, Tanya never wore sarees. I still remember. She was so bad with it. But she was very beautiful." I couldn't take this. She was insulting karishma. I was about to say something but suddenly I heard something which was out of expectation. " yes, she was very beautiful. I have seen her. I was there in their marriage." karishma said with a calm smile on her face. I was stunned to listen that and so was Shivani. Riya raised her eyebrow. " ohh! so isn't it wierd to get married to a man, whose marriage you have attended once. I mean how it feels being a second woman?" Riya asked with all the shamelessness in her. This was getting too much. I was about to shout at her but shivani stopped me. "well! it's so nice to be a wife of a man who knows that i am less beautiful than his former wife but still he insists me to open my hair. A man who knows that i am less qualified than his first wife but he still appreciates the food cooked by me. He knows that I am a very private person than his earlier wife and bringing me here among such people might be embarrassing for him but he still got me here and kept them me aside him to feel confident enough." Karishma said with full confidence and smile. I was shocked to hear that. "See, that's why I stopped you" shivani whispered in my ears. "well well well Riya, tanya didn't have long hair. as far I remember she never cooked anything for vishu. Right?" Shivani said dramatically to spice up Riya's anger. Riya couldn't say anything and just left. after that no one dared to say anything to karishma. i didn't expect that this version of hers also exist. I didn't know that a small side hug from me in front of rahul will give her this much confidence. I stared at Rahul. "yarr, i didn't know that something like this will happen. I am sorry." he said. " ohh please save this sorry for you girlfriend. riya must be outside crying in some corner. Please teach her to behave with guests" Shivani said arrogantly. "let's go. shivani, do you want to come. I ll drop you home." I said her taking karishma's hand. " ohh nooooo... i dont want to be bone in meat today" she said blinking her eyes her at our intangled hands. I rolled my eyes and left from there taking my wife with me.

hey guys, please don't be mad at me for being late. I swear that I shall update regularly now. by the way, what do you guys think about SHIVANI. please share your views about her in comment.please vote and comment. 

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.