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As soon as the class got over, i went out of the class to see my room partner because I didn't see him in the class. I know he's a b...

As soon as the class got over, i went out of the class to see my room partner because I didn't see him in the class. I know he's a bit annoying but still he is a good company. I was sure that he must be in a trouble coz he doesn't know the meaning of retaliation. And there i saw him surrounded by many seniors as expected for the ragging purpose. I don't understand what fun do they get. But this is high time to show them their place. I saw a guy ordering him to take off his glasses but he couldn't because he is really not capable to see without them. Everyone was laughing and cheering those bullies. Where the hell is this authority now?" Hey looser, what are we going to do with your glasses? Nothing. Yes that's what you see without them" said their leader and they all started laughing very loudly.
" Leave him" i said from behind. He turned to me. He was looking at me as if m some alien." Do you even know, who m i?" He asked in attitude. " Why? Don't you know who you are?" I replied calmly. Everyone started laughing in a low tone. I could see anger building in him vigorously but i didn't care. "See, i have nothing to do with you. I just want you to leave friend right now." I said. "Otherwise?" The guy asked. "Otherwise what will you do? Call the principal or your parents or his parents? Huh??" He said trying to sound sarcastic but i must say he was pathetic as hell. "Dude! Don't test my patience" i said in a warning tone but i guess he is tooooooo dumb to understand that. " What will you do? Haa? ......looser. don't know where do these third class people come from to get admission in this prestigious college. Jokers!" That's where my patience broke down and i couldn't resist of making him my punching bag. He instantly fell down down on the floor unconsciously. But i didn't see him back and took shiva with me to our room. Generally I am not a kind of person who likes fighting and all but m not less when it needs me to be tough. As soon as we got into the room, "why did you do that?" shiva questioned." Exactly, why did I even do that. I should not have. I should have left you there taking all his punches & turning red and blue" i said in anger. I mean, i have saved him and he is questioning me instead of thanking." Vishu, m not saying in that way. But you actually don't know about him. You should know about him before messing up with him" he said explaining me. I mean, seriously this guy is actually out of his mind. " Yup, i should have googled about him meanwhile he would turn you in chappati" i said in frustration. " But....." He was about to say something but " vishwajeet singh, principal is calling you in his cabin" said the peon. I knew the level of that guy. I mean, is that bully guy a school going kid to complaint teachers and all. Can't he handle his matters alone? " M coming" in a gentle tone and looked to shiva. He was very scared. He was babbling something but i didn't pay attention and left for the principal's cabin. M not scared but i just hope that they didn't complaint to my parents. Though I don't have any problem in that too but still i prefer managing my business myself. " May i come in,sir?" I asked. He just nodded. I went into the office and saw that bully guy standing beside a man sitting on a chair. He must be his dad and i must say i could sense his dominance in the room. I shifted my glance to the guy. "Ooooooo..... did i punch him that bad?" I asked to myself. " Did you beat him?" Principal asked trying to calm. "yes sir" i said with equal calmness. "How dare you? Do you even know he is my son? The man who is the most influential trustee of this college. I can throw you out of this college right now" the man shouted his chest out. Now, i recall his words when he said" do you know,who am i?"  Shit vishwajeet, you are in such a messy mess. " But sir, you don't know what was he doing there. He was ragging my friend very badly" i said trying to explain the situation. " No dad, he is lying just to escape the situation. I wasn't doing anything. I was just making him comfortable as he is new and a fresher. Being a senior i was just asking him if anybody bothered him. But this guy, don't know where he came from and started beating me" he interrupted with loads of lies. Principal knew everything but i know he has his own boundations. He can't go against trustees. He looked at me hoping that i could prove my point. " Sir, there were many people. You can ask anyone." I said. "Ofcourse you can ask me" a girly sound came from. As soon as i turned to see, i saw the same beautiful face i saw in the morning, Tanya. But wait what is she doing here. "Dad, first of all just calm down. Tarush is too much. You know him" she said calming that man down. But wait! Dad? That means she is his daughter and this bully guy named tarush is her brother. Now, i am gone. " Dad! Tarush was actually bullying that guy. This gentleman came in between to save him but tarush made fun of him as well. Now, what do you expect from him? Not to react?" Her words shocked me. I mean why has she taken my side. Though whatever happened in morning she should be more upset with me. I saw to principal, he was looking happy but couldn't show it. " Dad, let vishwajeet go. He didn't do anything wrong." Woooaaahh.....she said my name. " Go, vishwajeet" said the principal. I left the cabin.
It's about 11p.m. where is this shiva? He should be in room by this time. Suddenly someone knocked at the door. It must be shiva. I opened the door and my eyes got widened. It was Tanya. She got into the room before i could say anything to her. " Hmmm.....well maintained room haaa? I lyk disciplined guys." She said analysing whole room. " What are you doing here? This is boys hostel. Girls aren't allowed here" i said in a stern voice. " Don't you know my dad? Still you are asking these stupid questions" she said sitting on my bed. " Ok fine, but why are you here?" I asked." Ohh god, i saved you from such a big trouble and instead of thanking me, you are questioning me like this" she sounded a bit disappointed. " I m sorry and thank you soooo much for the morning incident. But my question is still same. Why are you here" i tried to sound reasonable. " Because I like you" her words shocked me again. I was like what? But somehow i controlled my excitement." Are you out of your mind? You hardly my name" i said. " Yup, but i know four things about you which are mandatory to be my boyfriend." Am i listening right ? She is willing to be my girlfriend. I felt excited innerly but still i pretend as if nothing is happening to me. "You are smart, intelligent, good looking and fearless & that's what I want in my man" she said in a low and seductive tone coming near to me making me lie on bed. Within few seconds she was sitting on me. This is very unexpected. "Shiva is about to come,you should go now" I tried to avoid the situation. " He won't come, he is having fun with his girlfriend, you you know?" She said winking at me ,which made me shock even more. "& How do you know that" i asked with a smile. " Because I have arranged all this to be with you" she said pulling my color towards her. She was looking damn hot. I mean for the first time, a girl came to me like this. I have literally became fan of her boldness. I pulled her waist without any hesitation and tried to be close to her as much as possible." Are you sure?" I wanted her to be very sure before continuing because I could sense her hunger and intention. Instead of answering me she put her lips on mine and this action woken up the real me. She was sitting on me. I tried to enter my tongue in her mouth but she teased me. I understood her game. I started putting my hands under her white top by opening few buttons. I unclasped the hook of her bra. She gasped and i took the advantage of the situation and entered my tongue in her mouth. She was moaning very badly. Within few seconds, i threw her shirt away from her body. Now she is having just bra on her upper body. I started pressing her left breast while kissing her passionately. With a very quick action i made her lie on the bed. Now, i was on top. The scene was watch worthy. I mean the most beautiful women in college in lying in bed heaving her breasts up and down because of your kiss. What a man can ask for more. " What are you waiting for?" She asked in despiration. This was enough for me to go forward...................🤪🤪

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.