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best or worst

jeet pov I can't believe this but I am doing this to my angel. But this is as worst as calling her my wife. I mean why she was stubborn ...

jeet pov

I can't believe this but I am doing this to my angel. But this is as worst as calling her my wife. I mean why she was stubborn to get married to me. She knew everything but still. This is what she has invited for herself. I never wanted to do this to her but one thing is for sure that is any women is selfish find self-centered. They don't think about anybody else except themselves. The just want did happiness and that's what she did. She manupilated everyone so that she could get married to me. She is no different from Tanya. She also to manipulate situations and people for her own good.

This is my first day in college. I am from my home for the very first time in my entire life . I don't like this hostel people. I don't like the way they live. But now I have to live according to them. I have heard that ragging is very common here. I don't want myself get engage these matters. I had seen few seniors ragging one of my batchmate in the morning but I didn't interfere because  here to study and my career as a doctor. I wish  room and roommates are not mess. As soon as I get into the room I saw one guy bullying another one. I didn't pay attention to the drama going on in the room. But then the bully guy called me and asked my name. I didn't see anything wrong in name I just did that. He was to say something but someone said that the warden is coming. The bully guy ran off from their leaving me and the other guy in the room. I was wearing just his underwear. I understood that the ragging was going on here. As soon as he left the room i got into the bathroom freshen up myself. The other guy in the room came to me and then we started talking about each other aur I should say that we started telling each other about ourselves. "Hey what's your name" he asked me I simply told him my name without showing any kind of interest. It might sound but I am like this way since my childhood.  i don't make friends. I was so stubborn to talk to me that he was continuously speaking to me even sometimes I wasn't replying to him but still he was continuously talking to me. Actually I was getting bored  and after few  minutes I became sleepy.  So I slept.
Next morning I spoke up at 4 like I usually do. I went for my jogging and after getting ready I started seeing my syllabus of 1st year. My roommate whose name was Shiva woke up at 7. He wished me good morning but I gave a very cold response. He got into the bathroom and I left for the college before he came out. This was my first day and I was going to attend my first lecture of mBBS first year. I was about to enter in the class then I noticed that the class had already started. I saw my watch and saw that it was not even 8. The time for the class was 8:30. How can they start their lecture early. I saw female teacher teaching in the class. The class didn't have so many students actually only few students but still that teacher was continuously teaching. Suddenly she turned and saw me standing on the door. I must say that the teacher was looking so young and beautiful too. Looking as if she is also a student. I was so busy in appreciating her beauty that I didn't notice that she was fuming in anger. "How dare you to come late on your very first lecture" she asked. I didn't know what to respond I was still involve in appreciating her beauty. Wrong if I say that I was lost in her. "Mam I am already before the time the class was about to start at 8:30" I said. "Oh so you are saying that I am wrong" teacher said in a sarcastic tone. But I didn't mind. I mean I don't know why am I so soft towards. Really I don't appreciate anyone talking to me in this tone. If she was not she then I would have snapped right then and there. "What was the time mam" I asked very politely. "it was 7:30" she said with an attitude. "Ok what's my punishment mam" i asked. "What punishment you are willing to get" she asked. "Whatever you say" i said. "OK then there is a file and you have to copy the whole content of this file in this file" she said while handling me both the files. I thought that what kind of punishment is this. It is like she is trying to make me do someone else homework. But I didn't mind.  I said "ok mam". "Wow what a solution you have found to get your homework done Tanya" I heard a sound from back. And this was the real teacher and then I understood the whole matter. This girl was fooling me to get homework done and not to forget mention that her name is Tanya. "Mam I am really very sorry I was just joking I was just having fun with this new student in our class there is nothing else" she said in stammering tone. I was still having those files in my hand. "Oh please! Tanya I know you so stop fooling me and take your seat" the teacher said in a very stern voice. "So class he is Vishwajeet Singh the new student in our class. He has joined 1 month late due to some document verification issues so I hope you all will help him in completing all those notes which he has left" she introduced me to the whole class. But grabbing my attention was Tanya. I was going to my seat while looking at her. I was just admiring her that how can be someone so beautiful. this is the best day of my life.

Flashback end

The worst day of my life.

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Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.