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"just stop it, dude. Have you gone mad? What are you doing?" Tarush was asking me continuously while vishu was banging his face wi...

"just stop it, dude. Have you gone mad? What are you doing?" Tarush was asking me continuously while vishu was banging his face with my fist.
"Be grateful that I am not hitting you hard because of your recent injuries otherwise I would have broken your nose by now." Vishu said slapping him hard one more time. He gets chance to get up up and he grabbed Vishu's hand. "I am not retaliating just because you are my sister's husband otherwise you would not be able to do this so easily." He said greeting his teeth.

"Vishu, we are not here to fight and all. We just want to know the truth. Just leave him." I said while trying to separate them both. "Which truth you are talking about? What the hell is going on?" Tarush asked in confusion.


"What the hell is happening here?" Tanya's voice came from behind and I couldn't complete my sentence.

"Oh my God! Tarush. What has happened to you? How did you get these fresh injuries?" Tanya asked caressing his injuries and made him sit on sofa. Tarush just looked at Vishu. He didn't say anything. Tanya understood that there was something fishy. "Is anyone going to tell me what is happening?" Tanya asked loudly. "You are no one to ask anything. You have  no rights to question anyone. In fact, you are the one who is going to answer everything now." Vishu screamed grabbing her arms which made her stand up. "What the hell! What is wrong with you? What is this behaviour?"she asked in annoyance. 

"How do you expect a man to behave when he comes to know that his unborn daughter has been killed?" He shouted at her. She gasped in shock. Her face was enough to tell that how shook was she. Vishu you had tears in his eyes. His face was red and his eyes were bloodshot. He was taking very heavy breathe. They both looked into each other's eyes like no other person was present there. After few minutes, Tanya looked down and took a deep breath. 

"Wh...wha...what aa...are you talking about?" She asked looking down. Vishu you couldn't bear it and grabbed her jaw and made her look up. "Don't pretend Tanya. Just don't. Don't you dare to play innocent now. I am furious and on the edge of my best behaviour. Your act will push me more." Vishu said in low dangerous voice. Tanya freed herself from his grab and distant herself from him. "You have literally gone mad. Shiva's death has made you mentally retarded." She said in defence and turned. 
       I was standing in  the corner of the hall. I was literally clueless not because I didn't know what to say or I didn't know that what is happening.

 I was clueless in fear that what if what I am thinking is right?

What if she is responsible for my brother's death? 

What if she intentionally  did everything?

Tanya was doing nothing but accelerating Vishu's anger. He made her look at him by grabbing her arms again and turning her. See through the abortion papers on her face which bi had got from Shiva's last belonging.

"Now, deny this too." Tanya took up the papers from the floor and looked at them as if she saw some ghost. She looked back at Vishu. "Where did you get it from?" She asked Vishu in very low voice. "From shiva's  last belongings that I had received from the hospital." I said from back .she turned her head to look at me. Fear was the first thing on her face. She looked down again as if she was thinking something. 

she must be thinking about escaping the situation by making a great excuse. 

That's what I felt.

"And, now you both are going to tell me that what these papers were doing with Shiva? How come Shiva and tarush had accident on the same day and on the same time? Did you really have a miscarriage? Most importantly, how did shiva actually died?" His eyes were filled with tears as he said last line.

Pin drop silence!

Yes, there was pin drop silence.

Tanya slowly sat on on the sofa. Her expressions were enough to tell that she has accepted her defeat. She looked at  tarush. They both looked at each other for few seconds.

"Speak up" Vishu screamed his heart out.

Tanya jerked on his voice. She should have known by now that there is no escape anymore.

"Shiva used to work in my father's hospital. The same hospital where I had my abortion. Yes, it was an abortion. It was not a miscarriage." As soon as she accepts her abortion, vishu broke down. He sat on The floor as if there was no life in his body. He couldn't believe what he just heard. 
          "Once, he was checking someone's previous record. Unknowingly, he got my apportion report. He came to know that it was not a miscarriage. He immediately left the hospital to tell everything to vishu. As soon as he left, records incharge called me and told me that he has got my abortion reports. I didn't know what to do. But I know one thing for sure that I couldn't let vishu see those papers." Tanya said.

Everything was still in the hall. The both were staring at the siblings like maniacs. Both of our heart ratings so high that anyone close to us could listen it.

       "Tanya called me. I was already in the hospital. I rushed to his car as soon as possible. He was about to start the car when I opened the front seat door and sat beside him. I told him that I want lift from him. He didn't mind. But my real intention was to take those paper from him and convince him to not to tell anything to Vishu. I knew that papers hold no importance when Shiva himself will tell vishu everything. But still, we could have made any excuse without those papers. We started arguing inside the car itself. I don't have any intention to let that accident happen. I was just trying to snatch those papers from him. I really didn't know that things will turn out like this. I wanted him to stop the car first. But, he was not ready to stop the car. he was continuously saying that he will tell everything to Vishu. He will not let vishu live in dark anymore. He was not even listening to me. Both of us didn't realise but the accident happened." Tarush said his part.

         "they both had been admitted in the hospital at the same time. We had shortage of doctors. I didn't know  that how was Shiva as my whole concentration was on the tarush. We had only interns at that time in our hospital. I couldn't risk my brother's life. This is why I called vishu treat him. Intern Amit it was the best intern we had. He was attending Shiva. I wanted Vishu to treat tarush instead of Shiva. This is why I didn't let we should know about shiva's real condition. It was me who had artist intern Amit to call vishu and tell him that Shiva was fine because although Vishu who was treating tarush but Shiva had occupied his mind. I just wanted my brother to be fine. Didn't have any intentions of.........." 

"STOOOOOOOOOP, JUST SHUT UP" I couldn't bear anymore and screamed as loud as I can. I burst into tears. I was crying like a new born child. I couldn't believe that my brother is not with me just because she understood that her brother's condition was worst than my brothers condition. She even manipulated the situation to go in her favour.

      Seeing me in such condition, vishu came near me instantly  and hugged me tight. I was still crying like a child.

"Remember Tanya? When you wanted to have an abortion before our marriage, it was only Shiva who was with you. He was the only one who supported you. He was the one wouldn't want you to get in that situation. Do you remember that?" She asked in a soft voice.

Tanya couldn't speak. Her eyes just fell down.

"DO YOU REMEMBER OR NOT?" Vishu screamed again.

He stood up along with me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards Tanya. "Just look at this girl. Look at her carefully. She has no one in her life. She was having just his brother as her family. You have not snatched her brother from her. You have finished your world. She has nothing left here. Your brother was injured. But her brother was dying. But still you preferred your brother to be treated accordingly than the man who actually needed a medical treatment." Vishu said.

"He was being attended." Tanya said in her defence.

"But they were not doctors. We were just interns. Your brother could have been attended by them too. Shiva needed no intern. He needed a doctor. He needed me." Vishu screamed in anger. 

"My brother also had accident. He had major injuries." I couldn't believe that there was still trying to defend him and her brother.

"He had only major injuries. But Shiva was more serious than him. You knew it. Yet, you didn't stop playing your games." Vishu accused her.

       She turned and folded her arms against her chest. "I just wanted my brother to be fine. I don't care anymore. I still don't regret what I did. Who the hell was he to come in between us? Why was it so important for him to show you those papers? It was him who had invited everything. He should have kept concern his work only." My ears were bleeding. I couldn't believe that words she is spitting was for my brother.

My late brother.

"How dare you? how dare you to speak even a single word about my friend like that. Are you even listening to yourself? Do you have any idea that how f****** you are idiot sounding right now? He dis all those things because he loved me. he wanted me to know about my child because he knew that how much I love her. It was my baby. It was my baby girl. My first ever child. My daughter! How many dreams I had seen for her! I had planned so many things for her welcome. Shiva wanted to tell me everything because he knew that what my daughter meant to me. Sadly, you could never understand that." Vishu said shedding tears from his eyes.

"Of course. Who am I to you? Shiva was everything for you. This is why even after his death, you are here fighting for him. Why? Because after him, you are more concerned to this girl." She said pointing her finger towards me.

       "Why would you want me now? You have a new toy to play with. Her brother's death is just an excuse. You both were already very close to each other. You  were looking for a chance to involve her in your life completely. And you got that chance after her brother's death. You made her stay in your house. So that you to want ever get disturbed. Vishu, on one hand you you are so sad about shiva's death and on another you are taking full advantage of his sister's loneliness. You are married to me and you are f****** her.........." 


A very tight slap!!!!

As soon as, those indecent words left her mouth. Vishu couldn't hold himself and he slapped her.


Hey guys,

I know it's late. But I have been busy with my other story-proclivity.

How do you like this chapter?

I have started a one more new story- engrossed. This is a story about Shivani. Yes! Your lovely Shivani. 

You can check out the story on my profile.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.

You know that how much I like to read your comments.

Kishu ❤️

1 comment

Unknown said...

Finally the truth came out.

Warning: mature content
he was her world....
her ideal man.....
her inspiration....
her strength......
her love........
her everything....
he was the one whom she was scared of but still she wants him 24×7 with her. she doesn't want to face him but wants to see his face every time
. but
what about him ?
Story of Karishma who made her very rude husband, vishwajeet fall in love with her through her innocence and simplicity.